Wednesday, December 20, 2006


A bit of good news coming out of my decadant city of New Orleans...the Streetcar is back on St. Charles Avenue. It isnt back in FULL working order, but as of today its running. We take what we can get around here.

Heres whats weird. I didnt notice that it was missing! Im struggling to understand this oversight. It could be that I dont actually drive down St. Charles Ave. very often. BUT, I do drive down it sometimes...I think I should have noticed. Could it be that I have become so damn use to living in an ILL CITY that it never entered my mind that it wasnt there??

*SLAPS WRIST* Shame on myself!! I hope I dont become immune to my surroundings. That in itself would be tragic!


Anonymous said...

is that like a tram or something?

Uree said...

its a trolley

above ground...beautiful and historic

Rachel CJ said...

You know, I don't notice things all the time, and I am a very observant person. Maybe you were distracted the first time you would have normally seen it missing, and from that point on you became used to it's absence?
...or, maybe you are a bad person....
Nah, probably more the former than the latter.
At least it is back now. As fantastic as it would be to be able to report from New Orleans and get outraged that it is still unfinished, I am really hoping it is all put back to perfection by the time I am working for a network. At this rate, I am worried, but it can--and, dammit will--get done.

Shelly said...

Man, I would love to take a ride on that thing!!! I'd be hanging out the window hollering at everyone on the street, "look at me muthafuckers!!"

Uree said...

rachel C
its a work in progress dear

and Shells OMG you would totally fit in LMAO I have been on that streetcar more times than I care to count...the most eventfull trip was when we were packed in like sardines following the parades on Mardi Gras day...some drunk old mother fucker kept touching me and hitting on me...wanted to come home with me...HE WAS RANCID!!! *vomits* Good Times!! :)

Uree said...

OOOO and its always fun with the streetcar hits a pedestrian LMAO

Ok im being mean...but its FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

I wanna ride in it now

Uree said...

That can be arranged dear MWAH!!