Heres what I HATE about Christmas:
Parking Lots--It is IMPOSSIBLE to pull into a mall or any store for that matter without a near brawl amongst drivers for a place to park. YIKES!
Store Aisles--If youre lucky enough to find a place to park, then you have to brave the insane people that are clumped together INSIDE the damn place. It's imopssible to move sometimes.
Long Lines--Do you REALLY need those items in your hand? If the answer is yes I hope you brought a tent and a comfortable pillow cause youre gonna be a while.
Commercialization--Christmas has become its own Corporation. It begins before Thanksgiving now, and I REFUSE to take part in that early insanity. Cant we get thru the thankful part of the year before we act like Devils to get the last PS3?
The Devil--Listen to me good people! Nothing brings the DEVIL out of people like Christmas!! I worked retail several years ago and somehow I survived my first Christmas season. I vowed that I would be out of there before the next. Luckily, I was able to achieve that goal.
Presents--I know this will sound INSANE, but I hate exchanging presents! I have a hard enough time keeping my place clean. Now, I have to find a place for more shit. But I suck it up and participate for the sake of harmony.
Family Gatherings--This one is a double edged sword. I hate it and I like it. I hate it because I see some people that I cant stand. We sit around a table and pretend to like each other for a few hours and catch up on whats going on...like we care! *sighs*
Energized Kids--During the holiday season, my students become electrified zombies. They are energized and hyperactive to the point of accomplishing little to nothing in their studies. Its a force that is extremely difficult to deal with on a professional level.
The Class Christmas Party--Oh dear God this could be a blog all on its own! May I get on my soap box for just one damn second? Schools were designed to be institutions of LEARNING! Not PARTYING! Yet if we dont have a class party, we become the ASSHOLES! These parties make me fucking insane! Everyone shows up! You know!! The parents that you have been BEGGING to come sit with you for a conference because little Johnny doesnt know SHIT! They wont return your calls or come meet with you for the sake of their child's education...BUT theyll come eat your cake and drink your punch for the fucking party! THEM!! Those assholes!! And then of course, because Mommy and Daddy are there, your students think they can act amock and do whatever the hell they want to do, destroy the classroom, run around, scream and yell, because they think I wont correct them in front of their parents. WRONG!! Trust me when I say I have a very effective "teacher look." I can stare down the most insane child and get a cowering response. WOOTS! OK off my soap box...where was I? Oh yeah I hate the damn Class party.
Now so you dont think I'm a complete asshole...
Here's what a LIKE about Christmas:
Food--I LOVE my food. So a feast is right up my alley.
Lifetime Christmas Movies-- I KNOW! Its seems very weird that I would HATE Christmas but LOVE these movies. But I DO! I think they are the BEST!!
Rudolph--I have to watch the Rankin Bass Production of Rudolph every year or I'll die!
Family Gatherings--I see people that I only see once a year; the ones that I actually LOVE! There ARE a few of them. But not many!
***So I guess when all is considered, there is a WEE little bit of Cindy Loo Who inside of me? But NOT much!
I know, I know!!!
It is all about advertising, obligations, and Santa. I fucking hate Christmas. I have enough Victoria Secret night gowns, smelly candles and bath salts to open my own fucking store. I have a great excuse now, Everyone is 4 hours away, and I have an elderly dog. Either you come here, or Christmas goes on without us!!!
The part you mentioned about school is also a big downer. Who in the hell wants to deal with a bunch of hyped up kids for over a month? Yuk, I cant wait till its over!!
I'm not terribly big either on the Christmas thing. Basically, I want to sleep and eat. That isn't a bad holiday for me.
I was that kid who still got told off by the teacher because with my parents there i thought i could do anything i wanted.
Every xmas i watch The Sound Of Music. Its always on BBC1 on xmas day. MERRY CHRISTMAS Missy xxxxxxxxxxxx
Fuck christmas
and New years can kiss my ass!!
It's not fun for me anymore, I think Christmas is for the youngins.
I do enjoy getting gifts thought, that I can't lie about, and I also like giving my friends stuff. I enjoy sending out the cards too but that's where it ends.
Its all hustle and bustle and that makes me nuts. I hate crowds, I hate long lines, I hate children!!
Hey Uree I dont know where you go that pic of the PS3 but its not the right one. It some crazy looking shit.
Heres what the PS3 looks like:
And as far as Xmas goes. Yeah I enjoy getting and giving as well, but sometimes it gets to me. you go to the stores and theres long lines. Thats IF you can find what your looking for and IF there not charging you everything you own for it!
yeah FUCK EM ALL lol
and i have remedied the pic...i dont know shit about PS anything.
I didnt realize Sound of Music was a Christmasy kinda movie...its not is it? Ive seen it many times. My favorite Christmas movie has to be A Christmas Story...YOULL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT KID! And the best part of the whole movie FUUUUUUUUDGE! lol
No its not but its what they play every year. Its a family film for everyone to watch after feeling bloated and drinking wine.
^^ and eating pilchards and mince pie, and drinking tea with pinkie extended.....
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