This goes way too far!!!! Apparently, Austria has banned Santa Clause from its elementary school classrooms because they claim they don't want children to get confused about accepting gifts from a stranger *rolls eyes*. Even I have boundaries to my disdain! This is pure INSANITY! One of the few good moments that I actually enjoy about teaching is the excitement that my students bring into the classroom during the holidays. They make me WANT to enjoy the holiday. Whether I do or not is a whole other blog.
But the point is this...kids are kids!! Let them be kids!! They will only be kids for a very short time because innocence is lost earlier and earlier these days. Let them have their Santa Clause. FUCK POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!! Its nauseating. If you don't like Santa Clause...block your chimney and bar your door!!! Don't shit on everyone else's fun!!
And while were discussing this...I don't care that Rudolph isn't an original reindeer from Santa's "real" team!! Rudolph ROCKS MY PANTS!! So don't even go there!!! YA HEARD!!
If you hate Christmas, do you enjoy the war on it?
Rudolph, as we say, "rocks our socks".
Also, my brother ruined Santa for me, and I'm STILL bitter...how do you think all of the Austrian kids are going to feel about their government?
Honestly, I dont think the kids are going to relate this to their governement...I dont know any kindergartener that understands the concept of government. I think they are just gonna miss out on the fun of Christmas while in school.
Shame on your brother...that's horrible. :(
And I'll be blogging about my feelings about Christmas soon...I didnt realize there was a war on Christmas. I must live under a political rock. YIKES!
Dude, if kids, when they reach my age, are still bitter about missing Santa Clause and the joys of Christmas during elementary school, they will eventually uncover the governmental influence and rise up. How else do you think coups happen?
Yes, my brother is an ass. He always will be, I think. Not just when it comes to Santa, either.
Dude, watch The Colbert Report, or The Daily Show, or--though I don't because it makes me feel icky--The O'Reilly Factor and Scarborough Country. They'll tell you ALL ABOUT this War on Christmas. (Haha, it was last year, and it had to do with implementing employees across the nation to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas", because that could be offensive.)
I would of hated it if i was told to not except girft from a fat old man with a beard. When i was younger he bought me all my presents (yes i know its not true) but still fuck that shit its xmas ill take gifts from whoever wants me to have them.
Some people gotta ruin everything, including a child's holiday. That sucks!
Now about this Rudolph thing, is it the red nose that does it for you???
Merry Xmas, Happy Quanzaa, Yule, Solstace, what have you everybody!
I'm guilty!!
I thought the jig was up when Syd caught me assembling an Easter basket in the back of my Explorer. I had to come clean. I was doing backflips in bunny ears and a long white beard. I said "you saw me in the back of the car, where did you think the stuff came from?" She said, "I thought the Easter Bunny left it there!!" So we had a sit down about Santa, the E Bunny, and The Tooth Fairy. She said, "ohhh, I had my doubts from the begining." The one that broke my heart to pull out of the closet was the Tooth Fairy. I had a little vile of magic dust I would sprinkle on the window sill and around her pillow, as evidence of the fairy. I just couldn't keep up the charade any longer, too many questions, too many 'from Santa' gifts from me, the neighbors, family. She started to demand answers. I was beat.
there comes a time when kids either figure it out or they catch you in the act...its ok that they find out eventually. I knew there was something fishy about santa from the age of 6. Dont feel guilty.
I love Rudolph cause hes adorable and I love his voice on the Rankin/Bass special...you know? the one i wont be able to see for the first time in 32 years because my cable is still fucked up :(
Rudolph has always been my favorite reindeer, he is the shiznit. As far as letting kids believe, I agree, let them believe until they find out for themselves. Dont rain on their parades, they will have enough disappoints throughout their lives.
Thats just plain silly to me. The "stranger" is a 200 lbs. fat man with a red suit and a beard.
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