Thursday, January 25, 2007


UPDATE: in the comment section

Well guys, please pray for my baby tomorrow. I will be taking her to the vet because she has an odd infection on one of her legs. Last week she was attacked by a dog that was NOT on a leash. And although I thought she had gotten away unscathed, I was clearly wrong. Vet visits for my dear Simon are a horrifying experience. She will need to be sedated because she suffers from a panic disorder. YES ITS TRUE! My dog has a panic disorder...

Anyway just keep her in your thoughts tomorrow afternoon. Sedating her is always a scary experience for me cause it really freaks me out to see her so "lifeless." My biggest fear is that one day she wont wake up. Ill post when we get home to let everyone know how she is.

But on a slightly different note, I am presently comforted by the movie Simon Birch, for whom Simon is named. If you haven't seen it, Simon Birch was a little person, born to the world always knowing that God had created him to serve as a miracle one day. It was his destiny. He is one of the most lovable characters ever written.

Here's a clip of smart ass Simon...just like I love him!

And here's a clip of Simon searching for meaning to his life.

So I named my baby Simon Birch, because on the way home from the animal shelter, the day that I adopted her, she was so excited to be leaving that she tried to jump from the backseat to the front seat, and she literally got stuck between the seats...because she is LONG and SHORT. She is a miracle and destined for something special!


Adrenaline said...

that sucks :(, and i wont comment on the panic disorder thing lol i'll be nice sence she got attacked. hope everything is okay

Shelly said...

NO! Damn it...
My dog got diagnosed with that same neurosis. They wanted me to give him prozak!! $75.00 a month!
I learned to accept his behavior.
I would put up flyers and make that leashless fool pay your vet bill. You know you aint getting out of there for less then 200 clams!!
ps That photo of her still shocks me everytime i see it!!
That body!! Those legs!!

Shelly said...

oh yeah, i can picture her all excited, little flippers flappin, stuck between the seats!!

Anonymous said...

Aww i hope everything goes well, its not nice when a loved pet is ill. And omg i loved Simon Birch, me and jay watched it together a while back. I was laughing because i found him funny, not in looks but how he acted. Soo cute

Uree said...

Shells thats EXACTLY what it looked like LOL

dirrty- i LOVE this movie!! I cry ever frickin time!! ok be honest, who cried? :)

Anonymous said...

Rays going out to Simon. People who let their dogs out without a leash or supervision should be shot, sorry but I used to work for a rescue group and we'd get lots of calls like that.

Anonymous said...

i didnt cry but it was a tear jerker for sure

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Moi's Friend here, {Alwyas leaves his computer open to certain pages for people to post what they may, so here I go}

Your dog will most likely be given Clavamox or Cephlexin {Maybe amoxacillin} to combat the infection. Dog bites are nasty to other dogs. But hardly ever fatal.

If you ever need a diagnosis fast, or an idea of what might be causing what??

Please look into getting your dog some "Rescue Relief" OR "Rescue Remedy" It is a homeopathic CHEAP version of prozac only it's made with nuts and twigs, and it's a liquid. lol.
It works BEAUTIFULLY. BETTER than Prozac, and is 100% cheaper.

You may also want to invest in some Lavender essential oil, 10 parts water to one part oil. {In drops} make a mist. Carry it with you, it calms on contact.

Shelly said...

okay 4, i do happen to to have lavender oil. I'm trying it!! what the hell, worst case - harry smells better!!!
However uree, this sounds like an absess. The saliva get uner the skin & the skin heals , and it festers. I've done this type of surgery before on humans and animals. DONT ASK. exacto knife and disinfectant. my dad was greatfull, and so was my cat. You dont think I watch all that surgery and not learn a few things do you? however, she might need a shot. Because you dont know where thar filthy-leashless dog has been.

Uree said...

OK we are BACK! Thank god that is over!! She is still a little wobbly from the sedation but as i type she is barking at a police siren...the boo-boo was a laceration but the vet couldnt be sure if it was from the dog or not...she cleaned it and said that actually simons licking had made it start to there was no oozy stuff...she put some antibiotic ointment on it and told me to put neosporin on it...she got her shots and her nails trimmed...they chopped off so much that I teased and said "no more stilletos for you madame." She did fine once she was out...but before-hand was just glad its DONE!! Thanks guys for everything

and 4...simon has been on cephalixin sooo many times. TRUE STORY: when i first got her she had some weird allergy to like GRASS! so every summer her skin would break out in this aweful rash and she would scratch and bite at it till it would the vet always gave her that to make the irritation go away...UNTIL I found the miracle cure for the rash...BOUDREAUX's BUTT PASTE! (pronounced BOO-DROW)IM NOT kidding!! Leave it to a COON-ASS to invent a god-send. It is meant to be for diaper rashes but it helps animals JSUT AS WELL!! And its so much cheaper than a vet visit. WOOTS!!
Thanks for your suggestions, I will be checking them out. MWAH!!

Anonymous said...

Im happy everything is a ok now and that you are not worrying now. See everything always turns out for the best

Anonymous said...

Yaay, good. It sounds like the summer thing, is a staph infection. In the summer humidity, these things fester.
Zenequin is the best oral antibiotic to get rid of it, however I believe in sometimes (if your dog is healthy) letting them beat these things themselves. If they get a staph infection chances are their immune system needs a boost anyway, so, if you bath them in either a sulpher based shampoo or Malaseb and just let them fight it off once and for all, (I know it's hard because it can get stinky) but it's just better in the end, otherwise it comes back over and over and you are forever stuck with antibiotics. All dogs and humans are covered with staph. Like humans some react to staph and some don't. They'll itch at an alergic bump, and the skin rips just a bit, and that's how the staph gets in. For many dogs it's summer, for us it's fall.
What a sweetie, I'm glad that all is well.

Shelly said...

YEAH no surgery!!!
But this dog is a muli-faceted potpouree of nurosis!! Harry is the same way. But hes my baby.
Whos the pro- doctor above me? anon?
Good work Anon. We should open a free clinic together. I get to do ALL the surgery though.

Uree said...

YES! Staf infections, thats exactly what it was...and the BUTT PASTE works!!! WOOTS!!

Navy Joker said...

shelly ate yellow snow as a child...

Shelly said...

You are dead meat.

Anonymous said...

So glad my little negro is okay. Im gonna call her what the spanish guy from I LOVE NEW YORK called New York... my little Negrita......(in spanish it means little black girl) she got sooo pissed. It was funny, ya gotta see that show, its a fuckin train wreck and I cant stop watching especially with the mom on it.. She says he called me a little nigger.
Too funny, I guess you would have to know the show to understand my ramblings. Anywho so glad Ms. Simon is doing well and happy once again, careful of those Jack Russells, they are mean lil bastards.
Doctor gave you the same advice I did, wash w/peroxide and then Neosporin....I Neosporin EVERYTHING, all these damn dog attacks...And my Bandit is scarred for life, but I stop the bleeding and stop them from getting infected with the Neosporin. It works wonders. I have now taken stock in the company.

Rachel said...

OMG you made me cry AGAIN...

I just saw this movie the other day...Love it!!!

sKILLz said...

Im SOO GLAD everything worked out and our lil guy is doing good! I certainly know how it feels when your pet is sick and theres nothing yoyu can do but wait and see if the meds kick in and so on.
Once again Cheers to Simon for coming though and getting better. Also cheers to Uree for taking good care of her child!