Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Its been a rollercoaster ride of a day!

It all began when I approached my car to go to work this morning...MY DOOR WAS AJAR!! I didnt quite understand but my initial thought was "did I forget to close my door last night?" But in reality I knew better...I would NEVER leave my door open...the schema is permanently burned into my brain that when you exit a vehicle you lock then shut the door. So, next, I opened my door and immediately noticed that the emergency brake was pulled up...something I have NEVER done to this car in 4 years. So, then I'm thinking "WTF?" I get in to look around and I notice that my sunglasses are gone, there is a strange dirt (not my regular dirt...I KNOW what the dirt in my car looks like, OK!) on the seats and in the backseat. Then I notice that one of the back windows is smudged. Then, I have the complete realization that someone had broken into my car.
After my initial scan, it didn't appear to have anything missing except for the sunglasses. Even my cd collection (probably $1000 worth of cds) was still sitting there on the passenger seat. Was this guy blind? Dumb? Or maybe he just didn't like my taste in music? There was no damage to my car. I was already running late for work, so, I opted to not call the police and just leave...go about my day. I didn't even make it out of the parking lot when a wave of disgust (which I can only think to describe as "the creepies") came upon me. So, I parked my car and jumped out...somewhat afraid to even be in my car. Its amazing how fast one's brain works in such a situation. I immediately started thinking of what this person did in my car. I thought: *did he drop any drugs in here? *did he take it for a joy ride and bring it back? *did he kill someone and put them in the trunk? *did he sleep in the backseat? *did he find anything that I am not aware of?
The next step was obvious! Check the trunk! I was afraid to open it but I was prepared to scream in the event that I saw a body. I opened it...just my crap. PHEW! Then I walk around the whole car to check for anything "funny"...just MY dirt. PHEW! Then I went back into my car and opened my glove box...which i s when I relaized I had a few things missing. Important stuff! My registration and proof of insurance! But I immediately realized it was in the passenger side door. PHEW! So what the fuck then did this bastard want?? I have no idea and I'll never know. I'm just glad I cleaned out my "gypsy wagon" last week. Otherwise, he would have had a party going thru all my shit.

So that's how my day started.

Here's how it ended...I was approached by a "big-wig" in the school board about a position that will be coming available soon. Sounds like a great opportunity and might be exactly what I've been hoping for the past few months. This position has been described as "the best of both worlds." Thats because its a position outside of the classroom but it works on the school calendar. That means I won't lose any of my off time during the holidays and summers...and I'm not confined to the rigorous classroom. That makes Uree VERY HAPPY!!! So hopefully this will all work out and Ill be a bit happier in life in the coming months.


Rachel said...

First off good luck with this new job...hope you get it and it is all you dream of.

Second, OMG don't you hate it when people steal your shit. Grreee
Remind me to tell you the story about the time my hubby and I drove out to Vegas, went out one night, hubby forgets to lock car...get up to go to breakfast...find guy in the back seats sleeping like a baby...
GOOD TIMES!!! There is more to this story..I will tell you more in March. hehe

Navy Joker said...

I can beat that... I actually slept in the same room with a guy who was convicted of kidnapping, rape and murder - and was later put to death in the electric chair for his crimes. I will tell YOU more about that story in April.

Rachel CJ said...

Oooh, hopefully! I need a new job...oh wait, I just got one! No, what I meant was I need to be out of school and working at CNN. Yeah, that was better stated....
Hahaha, wow, I think I would have fucking flipped if I found my car in that state. Like, fucking flipped. Icky. But, alas, I live in BIXBY, Oklahoma, which means if I find someone has even touched my car it's a one-in-a-million. I really do hate Oklahoma.
I'm glad you are not raped and/or killed, and that everything is safe and sound. And I hope you get that job!

Anonymous said...

Omg some people are stupid. If that was me i would of ran off with all your CD's copied them and then put them back. Thats because im a nice person HAHAHA. Im happy nothing got stolen though and no dead body in the back.
And congrats on this new job offer. I say go for it. At least you wont need to put up with those asshole parents who think they are better than everyone else.

Shelly said...

Aw sweetie!! I know how it feels!, So violated. Your car is a kind of a personal space santuary. Thank God he didnt take your CD's!!
I keep all my Chili Peppers in the car! Maybe this will motovate me to make copies, and keep the originals in their safe Gem cases.

You GO get that job, you take it by the horns, look into its eyes and say "Your mine!"

Couldnt help but notice my Minnions are oozing over into your blog!
What the fuck Joker? I'm not enough for you anymore?
Naw, enjoy my Uree, there's enough of her to go around.
Blood is thicker than cyberwaves!!

And when did you sleep with a murderer? So much to know....

Navy Joker said...

Think Shelly getting a little jealous with blog envy...

Uree said...

thanks for the well wishes and concern guys MWAH!!

JOKER...I MUST hear this story...im intrigued by criminals so SPILL IT...PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

omg i hate that shit! my car got broken into a couple years ago. they smashed my window and ripped out my stereo and took a bunch of cds. the fucking cunts. maybe yours was just some vagrant who needed a place to sleep but ewwww!

and i hope you get your dream job! does that mean you wont have to deal with the little bitchlets anymore?

Anonymous said...

Had a similar car incident. A squatter. Nothing to write home about, even tho I think I did.

Forced to watch Dane Cook, one of the things he talks about it a "B&E." (Breaking & ENtering.

He said one of the things he realized when he broke in the house, was that he didn't want to do a "B & E" anymore. So after kicking the door in, he left. Leaving the door ajar.

He says that for years afterwards, he wondered if they thought about him. Wondered forever "What the hell did they take?" When infact they'd taken NOTHING.
He says years later that he wished he'd "Left Something." Like a "Lava Lamp"
Can you imagine coming home, finding your door kicked in, glass and splinters down the hallway- freaked out of your mind, and discovering a "Lava-Lamp?"

So, did you check for lamps? Maybe a Copy Cat?

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely no good at giving advice in that department, `cept to say, Like a relationship, if you even entertain the idea of another one, you're probably half way out the door already.


Adrenaline said...

What the fuck.... your car was broken into.... and they took was sunglasses.... wow.... someone deserves to geith their ass kicked

Anonymous said...

You know if it was only sunglasses then the guy was gay :P

Uree said...

OMG!! You are SOOOO right Liam!!! LOL Leave it to a fag to find MY car!!! You are too funny!!

MOI---i was actually trying to find the clip of that weirdos interview cause I did think about that CRAZEEEE incident. That would have creeped my shit so bad Id prolly resort to public transit!

and no lava lamp but alot of glittery dust... :P

and lil bro...no need to worry...alls good in the ghetto :)

Anonymous said...

"and no lava lamp but alot of glittery dust"

See Fag alert. You've become such a huge Fag Hag they are following you and coming from places afar just to touch your car, see your front door and sniff your drivers seat! lol

Unknown said...

Hope the new job comes through. The car incident weird. How many more days till your road trip to see SS?
For me it's a little over 6 weeks - Jake & Co added Detroit to their schedule and will be here 3/8/07 and my tickets have been bought.

Uree said...

ahhhhh a fellow SISTA!! 57 days and counting...piecing together my outfits....i plan to stick out like a sore thumb at every venue LOL you cant miss me....ill be the freak front row center that is panting for jake shears sweat as she dances her ass off, even if the music hasnt started yet! :)


Unknown said...

Uree I gave my cousin the We are Scissor Sisters DVD and all she could say was Interesting, but I've got my two cousins hooked. Don't tell me you're making the trek to MI if so get my Email from Rachel and we'll talk.

Uree said...

well good for you for spreading the ss love...i have a freinds that HATES them cause (listen to this shit) he "cant stand jakes voice." Yep you read that RIGHT!

my trip begins in chicago the next night so no i wont be in MI :( but if i could I would WOOTS

Anonymous said...

Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles,Go Eagles, Go Eagles Go Eagles!

Uree said...

HAHAHAHAHA why do I envision a short fat retard in a cheerleader outfit jumping up and down with the wrong color pom-poms??

nice try lizard :)

Anonymous said...

Awww you knew it was me? Sorry, but the Saints are dead. Don't worry we come bearing cheesesteaks. :D

Shelly said...


Anonymous said...

oh gurl, i am so sorry to hear you have now been victimized by the recent NOLA crime wave....so sad when the disenfranchised run amuck...i am totally with you, having the car broken into sucks...totally violated...as for them not taking anything…strange, must have been looking for cash only, but who has cash anymore???

congrats!!! on the new job..it sounds both rewarding and less stressful...

Anonymous said...

My vision of you opening the trunk is sooooo a la "I Know what you did last summer" when Jennifer Love finds the crab infested body in the trunk of her car!!!! That would totally rock!! That is why I have the coroner on speed dial!!

Uree said...

LOL well if it isnt guyfred...on my blog!! *hides under desk for fear of the sky falling*


Anonymous said...

First off Im glad that the sunglasses were the only thing the person took, and not your whole car or anything of imortance. I think if they had of stolen the CDs it would have been alot worse right?
I also hope that you get this job and everything goes well for you with that. Uree your a smart bitch and you should get it no problem, but sometimes if you dont "play" there game you dont get it you know?!

Lizard what the fuck are you even doing here?? Is it that no one even wants to go to your lame ass blog? Grow the Puck up instead of OUT! Put the cheesesteaks down and get a REAL job!!