Wednesday, November 22, 2006


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Put A Fork In Him...He's DONE!

Everyone has seen this insane outburst by Michael Richards during a comedy routine in which he scolded audience members with a slew of slurs. I am not easily appalled by anything, but, THIS was pure insanity. I think I was stunned into silence right along with some of the people in the audience that were lucky enough to be there. It was a train wreck happening right before their eyes...and it keeps being replayed for all eternity for the rest of the world's eyes on youtube.

The following night he used the platform of The David Letterman Show for his public apology. I was expecting a scripted, heartless, I'm-sorry-now-be-done-with-it attitude. Some people have seen this interview and felt that's exactly what they got. However, I felt it was a bit more. Maybe that's just me finding the good in people as I do have THAT disease; however, I really felt as if he too was appalled at his own actions. Have you EVER done anything that made your own self CRINGE with disbelief? I have! Then, I became contradictory.

Last night, I saw an interview with several leaders of the African-American community. They were demanding that Michael Richards sit down with them for an apology because he "needs help." This bothered me! Who are they? Were they the targets? Were they subjected to the tirade? Who made them a leader? Who made them the psychological needs police? This is America, if someone wants to have racist opinions, shouldn't they be allowed? With that said, the African American leaders have a right to be offended. But, do they have the right and the authority to say that Michael Richards needs to apologize and seek "help?" As I see it, this is a personal issue for Richards to address, if he so chooses. And I think it would be only right for him to seek out his targets and apologize to them. Hes already apologized to America. It should be over, as I suspect his career is.


Rachel said...

So I read this comment on Andrew Sullivan's blog (check it out sometime the link is on my blog) and the person said this adn I make total sense to me:

A possible explanation (not an excuse, there is a difference) for Michael Richards' rant is one I have often observed. It is that when one person makes another person extremely angry, in this case by interrupting the routine of a washed-up former celebrity, the offended person, in his rage, says not necessarily what he truly believes, but rather what he believes will hurt that person the most. Therefore, it's possible that Richards was not, in a Freudian slip, revealing his inner racist; but rather was saying that which he felt would most offend the person who offended him. Only the people who know him best know which is the case. The only thing I know is that this episode won't end his career. "The Michael Richards Show" already took care of that.

Uree said...

I can see that point. I think we have all done that to someone before. But im thinking we do that to people we care about, becasue we know how to "get their goat." The whole incident is just so bizarre...and because of the world of technology in 2006 it has become the BIG deal that it is...ten years ago maybe it wouldnt have been. Just thinking out loud. :)

Rachel said...

No you are totally right. big brother, sister and neighbor are always watching now. Crazy.

When I saw the footage I was like "Oh man, Krama is crazy"

Rachel said...

opps that should say Kramer

Anonymous said...

Yeah where's my opology from the african american comunity? EVERY t.v show and movie that has a black and a white character potrays whitey as having no rythem, never cool, or dorkey. While the black actors are slick, cool and jive. I think it should go both ways. Every black comic rips on white peole. I want my apology, NOW.

The cocazoids are insulted!

Anonymous said...

Micheal Richards has lost his damn mind. Not that he looked too tightly wrapped in the first place, but there is now hardcore proof of the nutbar he really is.

I kind of think he's a day late and a dollar short on handing over any apologies to anybody. But let the man have a try, WTF?