Saturday, June 23, 2007


Let me tell you why I HATE being in Baton Rouge.

  • There is a church on every city block, sometimes TWO.

  • There are about 20 Christian channels on the cable line-up.

  • Everyone walks around with a crucifix around their neck or a Bible in their hand.

  • All the girls look debutant-ish. You know, perfect teeth, perfect hair, make-up caked on.

  • Its just kinda fags running amok in the middle of the street.


So anyway, I was trying to relax one day and I was flipping thru the channels on the TV when I came across one of these aforementioned christian channels. I stopped because I saw Stephen Baldwin. You remember Stephen right? He was in my opinion the cutest Baldwin brother and probably the funnest cause he was just around TO HAVE FUN!! Oh God I can remember how much I loved him in the TV series Young Riders. *swoons* I mean why else would I watch a bunch of boys all sweaty and dirty riding horses in a western?? LOL OK so to the point...If you didn't already know this, Stephen has been SAVED. He has FOUND GOD. He is a SERVANT. He brings forth THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST. Did I make that clear enough? HES A GOD DAMN HOLY ROLLA!!! A God damn holla rolla with a film titled THREESOME on his resume...

So I stopped and watched to listen to what he had to say...why not? Well, as he opened his mouth, I just had to laugh. I even ran to get a notebook and pen to write what he was saying because I was stupified by his arrogance. His main point, or his thesis, if you will, was that "Hollywood is the control center, the NORAD, of evil." That's in quotes people. I wont even get into the fact that he hates the gays...

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Am I the only one that takes the quote and wants to scratch his face off?? To that I want to ask him, "So Steven, did you give back all your millions that you earned in Hollywood to rid yourself of the evil money?" I really take great offense to people that have had their day, had their fun, made their millions, and then condemn other people for doing the same thing. It really chaps my ass to no end!! Honestly Steven, if the money is making you feel so guilty, feel free to donate to the Urethra Franklin fund. I could use the help to pay off my student loan debt cause you see I'm swimming in it because Ive chosen a career of service to our future, the kids. I never made my millions while whoring and boozing around Hollywood. Ill never have a soap box to stand on to condemn people. Nor do I want one. YOU MAKE ME SICK!! And I want to gag at the fact that I actually liked you back in the day. CHRIST WHAT WAS I THINKING!!

Pardon me while I go bathe in sin for a little while...


Anonymous said...

That right.... Let it all out.


1. "It really chaps my ass to no end!!" is now my favorite phrase.

2. I told you it's liberating and satisfying to "de-face" pictures in paint!! (see Shelly's crotch watch)

3. You need to send your editorial in to Radar. I bet they would print it! It's awsome.

4. Work on your Devil, he looks more like Colonel Sanders.

*name withheld*

Anonymous said...

Oh what an ass. The one thing that annoys me with christians and i dont mean to offend any religious people now but when they are true bible bashers they believe that if you dont do gods deed you go to hell. But for some reason all these christian's seem to forget the one thing and i was taught this all the way through my school years at catholic schools and that is when you die god forgives you of all your sins. So why preach all this shit about fags going to hell, not going by the ten commandments when if he forgives then why should we give a fuck what we do in our lives. Its just a pathetic reason for some people to try and bash certain people on tv. Arent they supposed to love thy neighbour no matter what yet they all think that anyone not like them is sinners. Step into reality people your worse than everyone else for spreading your message of hate.

Anonymous said...

I am sad that you dislike my neck of the woods so much. I think it is more the circumstances, no?

I too can not stand all the holy rollers. I actually saw some on tv selling viles of holy water that had the power to cure you! AND, people were buying that shit! And, I am with Dirrty. To me, a real Christian does not judge you. I belief that everyone is entitled to belief what they will, as long as nothing is pushed on me. I have several friends that are very religous, but they do not judge me. That is Gods job to do the judging.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I typed belief instead of bad.

Uree said...

dont be sad alexis, I guess I should have explained more about my background with religion. I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic school for 13 years then entered a Jesuit University where I was required to study religion. I have struggled with my faith for many years now and I have gotten to the point that I am repulsed by anything slightly religious. I feel veryuncomfortable in the presence of "holy" things. This in itself has been a source of stress for me at times because I use to take great comfort in the very things that repulse me today. So my feelings for Baton Rouge are based on my observations and my own discomfort. Nothing personal to you or anyone that lives in that area or likes that area.

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't worry honey, I did not take it personal. I was the complete opposite. I grew up around nothing religious what so ever. But, I think that if I had been raised Catholic it would scare me too. I do not understand many things that they believe. I don't know a lot about religion, but I do know what I don't agree with. When Scott was sick, his mother made us go see a nun that had aparently recieved 2 of the stigmata, or whatever. Well, she did the whoel laying her hands on him. She stated that her hands itched when she touched his stomach, which is where he was getting his shots everyday and it made him itch. That freaked me out!! I still don't know how I feel about that day. It was all too weird. Like voodoo scary shit!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dirrty, the Colonel's commin' for ya!!
I forgot that being Gay was a sin.

Dirt track = Eternal Damnation!!!




*Vagina owner*

Anonymous said...

It's the holy rollers that give us decent non-judging christians a bad name...hell my sister is the only one that still splashes holy water on me b/c I actually have gay friends and DONT think it's a sin...and not to mention my obsession with Marilyn each his own and dear lord the born again christians are the's like they feel like they have to make up for lost times so they multiply the bible thumping up several notches. It amazes me how people like that can sleep at night...and they are supposed to be loving, caring, forgiving souls...they are anything but...