Monday, July 2, 2007


My latest addiction is quite...ODD! I cant explain it really. How is it possible that a self professed fag-hag, a Scissor Sister groupie, a James St. James freak, a...a...a oh fuck it! How can I be addicted to THE DEADLIEST CATCH??? Hmmmm??? Someone better explain this to me!! I get great satisfaction watching them pull up the pots, especially when they are full of crab! Its a RUSH!!! Tell me you love this show too??


Anonymous said...

Ive seen the trailer for that here. I actually want to watch it myself.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it has anything to do with you being a fag-hag! You are a coon ass and you wanna eat those crabs! lol At least I know I do!!!

sKILLz said...

Wow thats no joke! I had no idea it was like that, and thats what they had to do to get them! Does look like fun tho!
Oh and I have to agree with Pep I think its cause you just want to eat those lil critters, nothing more!