Rhonda and Rachel met us in Dallas. YAY!! I knew it was gonna be hella fun with them. We met at our hotel and got dressed so we could go tailgating at the venue VERY EARLY. Apparently I was becoming paranoid about not getting front row. SO we made a mini bar in Guys trunk and got to the venue by 3:00. This show was taking place at Gilleys which was the venue used in the movie Urban Cowboy. For some reason we couldn’t ever get over that fact. LOL. We were first in line OF COURSE! So we took out a blanket and some pillows and made a nice lil picnic area. We were alone for about 2 hours. Then absolute sweetness entered our worlds in the form of 2 adorable teens. Cassandra and Michael walked up and asked us if this was the Scissor Sister line? We said yes, they got behind us, and they proceeded to tell us their story. Just before they were ready to leave for the show, BOTH of their cars broke down. They called a car rental place but were denied because they were only 18 (must be 25 to rent cars). So what did they do? Did they give up? Fuck no! These 2 geniuses called U-Haul and rented a moving truck to drive their asses to the show!! And they would be using the truck to get them to the Houston show the next night as well. How fucking awesome is that!!! I LOVE these 2 kids!!!! We immediately adopted them. And we also met Brian in that line. He was a sweetheart and he was gonna be in Houston the next night as well. So we had our lil Texan posse in place.
On with the GOODIES…Rhonda and Rachel had these AMAZING wine bottles created for each member of the band. We were hoping to give them out before the show. While we were having our lil private party in line, I noticed one of the roadies walking by so I stopped him and asked him how we could go about giving them the bottles. He took a picture of the bottles and told us his name was Ben. He gave us a plan but it didn’t work out. Ben was such a sweetheart. I wish I could have gotten a pic with him before the end of the trip. Anyhoo…we had decided to wait till after the show to give out the bottles. Then a cab pulls in with Jake and Del in the backseat. YAY! But they went to the back. Not long after, another cab pulled up with Paddy and BD in it. They stopped in the front. SO as they walked in I got Paddy’s attention and told him that we had gifts for them. He seemed surprised cause he even asked “Are you serious?” I told him Yes and asked what would be the best time to hand them over. He said after sound check. SO we listened intently as the sound check was going on wondering if this would work. Guy and Rachel had to go in search of a bathroom so they decided to go and come right back. As they headed to the car, I look up and Paddy is standing at our posse!!! I freaked out cause I was not expecting him to come out to us AND I knew that Guy and Rachel had JUST left with the wine bottles in the trunk. YIKES! So, I asked him to wait one minutes so I could see if they were still here. I ran to the parking lot and THANK GOD!! I beat on Guys window and yelled. “PADDYS HERE!!!!” They jumped out and grabbed the bottles. We went back to the line and Rachel gave him his bottle. HE really liked it a lot. He seemed impressed by the label. He was sweet enough to pose for pics with us all. I told him we were following them from Chicago to Houston and he said, “WOW like Grateful Dead.” When I thought we were finished, he asked if I wanted one more pic with him. So I obliged and got another pic with him. He told us to wait till after the show to give the others their bottles. He was really sweet!!
Next, the doors opened. SWEET!!! We got front row and there was Sammy Jo again!! He is such a sight!! I adore him!!
The show was amazing!! AGAIN!! Ana winked at me from the stage. God I love that woman!!! The crowd was a god crowd with the exception of a few assholes!! But I guess that’s typical!
At the end of the show, Jake announced that they would indeed be at this after party. Amanda Lepore was performing. OMG!!! So after I secured my set-list, we grabbed the wine bottles and went to the buses. We waited patiently and finally Jake and BD came out. Rachel yelled to Jake that we had a gift for them. She reminded him that he had humiliated her in NOLA and he totally remembered. LOL He loved the wine bottle and chatted with her for a lil bit. Then he posed for pics with us all. BD loved the bottle as well. Sounded as though he may create some of his own for gifts. They had to leave out quickly to head to the party. Next to come out was Paddy and Del. Del loved the bottle and chatted with Rhonda for a bit about it and the vineyard. As they left Paddy kissed my cheek and said something….but I don’t remember what it was. LOL So we waited for Ana. When she emerged she was in a BEAUTIFUL blue dress. The crowd was a lot smaller at this point. Rachel gave her the bottle. She read the label and admired it for a bit then in that special Matronic way she said, “Thank god its Cabaret and not Merlot.” LOL
She saw me and grabbed my hands for a cheek kiss. She loved my outfit. And we took pics together. Then she was off. We didn’t head to the party cause we were exhausted and convinced ourselves we wouldn’t make it in the door. THAT is the biggest regret of the trip.
We were getting ready for our last show. We were excited, sad, and ready all at the same time. With as much fun as we were having we didn’t want it to ever end but we were also ready to be at home. So when we left, we called Michael and Cassandra, our adopted groupies. They were at the venue already and 2 people were in front of them. This was at 2:00. We hauled ass down there and met them. We brought “end of the tour” gifts to the band and to Sammy Jo. We had portrait cookies made for the band and we bought some awesome chocolate creations for Sammy. A sweet lady named Nona made sure they received them backstage as we all stayed in line…for 5 hours. We made our own little party until the doors opened. I was extremely disappointed in this venue and this crowd. After we had waited so fucking long in line to insure a front row center spot…the corralled us in groups once in the venue and those mother fuckers let the BACK group in FIRST thru another door!!! When they let us in we darted and were able to eek out front row spots but we were to the left and sandwiched like sardines. And some CUNT had the nerve to try to cut me in the line twice after my friends had saved his spot in line twice while he enjoyed a drink in the bar. Anyhoo, Sammy was spinning and I immediate started dancing in my tight quarters. After a few minutes I yelled at Sammy, and he saw me and told me Thank You!!! Then we he had a chance, he came over to me and told me thank you for the sweets. I told him thank you for a wonderful tour and I told him that I love him. LOL. I couldn’t help myself. I’m a dork!!! WHO CARES!!! So as the crowd started to grow a bit, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and Brandon asked me if I was in Dallas the night before and I said yes. He got really excited and he said “ I KNEW IT WAS YOU!” And his friend Jason was excited cause I remembered him cause he almost kicked some top-hat mother fucker’s ass who was pushing and bullying his way through the crowd. I LOVED THEM!!! They showed me pics from the Dallas after party. Amanda had her titties out!!!!!! YAY!!! I wanted a pic with them and to exchange emails but I couldn’t find them after the show. Anyhoo…the Houston show was PHENOMINAL!! It was the last of their American tour and they tore it up!!! They were high energy and balls to the wall!!! Ana dedicated Kiss You Off to the people from New Orleans! OMG!!!! YAY!!!! We got a lot of love from Jake and Ana off the stage that night. They are the best EVER!! I SWEAR!! As they left the stage, Jake looked over to Guy and I and he smiled and waved. It was an amazing end to a wonderful trip. EXCEPT…the best was yet to come!!!!
So we go to the buses after the show and we make our own little private party while waiting. We sat in a circle and hoped and hollered until Del came out. We moved over the other end so we could get group shots. He came out of the barricade and took a group shot with us…he’s sooo damn sweet and so damn gorgeous. Next Paddy came out and he too left the barricade to take group shots with us. He told us that we were the coolest fans ever!!! YAY!!! Then Jake came out. It takes him a while to go thru the crowd. Babydaddy came out next so they were both out at the same time. As soon as BD saw me he says, “I know, I know….you can blame EVERYONE else but ME!! I know my part.” LOL He went on to explain that he felt bad that they didn’t have it ready cause he wanted it so badly just for us. AWE!!! I told him that hearing him say that was satisfaction enough for me. And I asked him to please have it ready the next time they are in NOLA. He said they were trying to work out a return date to New Orleans. YAY!!! Then Jake made his way over to us. He came out of the barricade to take group shots with us. When he saw me he said in a sad voice, “Its all over.” I said, “I know, what are guys gonna do without us?” He said, “I don’t know.” He was sooo sweet about it. We took craze pics ala the Star Wars poster. We call it the MONEY SHOT!! Then OMG!! I got pics with him riding me piggyback!!! OMG!!! I was dying!!! He is like a big kid! He really is!! There is a sweet boyish charm about him that is infectious. Anyway then he talked to us for a bit and he mentioned that he didn’t see us at the party in Dallas. I said, “OMG Jake were you looking for US?” He said that he had met everyone in there and he noticed we weren’t there. OMG!!! So as he was ready to leave, I told him we would be seeing them the next time they were in NOLA. He said AWESOME! Then he went on the bus and waved at us like a schoolboy. LOL Then he came back out with his camera and took pics of the crowd and YES we are in one of the pics!!! YAY!! Then my sweet Ana came out. Have I mentioned how much I fucking love that woman? We showed her the craze pics we had taken with Jake, so she obliged and took craze pics with us. We have one with us bowing at her feet. And she requested an ugly face pic…so we all made nasty faces. Then obliged a special request for me that shall remain secret for now. As we were talking to Ana one of the roadies came out and asked if Guy and I were the 2 from New Orleans. We said yes and he gave us 2 all access tour passes as souvenirs. It was the sweetest thing ever!! His name was Colin and he said that we had put the work in so we deserved them. OMG!!! I told him that it was because we loved them all so much. I thank him profusely!!
This trip was THE BEST TRIP EVER!!! I have never had so much fun in my life and it’s doubtful that anything will ever happen to me again that is as wonderful as this trip. I met amazing people at EVERY venue. Some of them I have contact info, others I’m going to search for. I would do this again in a heartbeat!!! And I recommend it to anyone!
I haven’t unpacked yet so if I have your contact info, ill be in touch soon. PROMISE!!
Oh. My. GOD!!!!!
Oh. My. GOD!!!!!
Oh. My. GOD!!!!!
Oh. My. GOD!!!!!
Oh. My. GOD!!!!!
Oh. My. GOD!!!!!
Oh. My. GOD!!!!!
Now that was quite a little trip!!
Savor it, hold it dear in the banks of your memory......
I'm so satisfied for you!!
Ditto what Shelly said! That's so amazing!
That sounded awesome, Im sooo happy you were thrilled with it. Looking forward to going to look at some pics now, see ya later gator.
stalking... its what u do best hon! GIVE UP THE DAY JOB! Become a full-time stalker! Im still wondering what your suprise is for me... as u know, I HATE SUPRISES!!! Hope you kept the Journal going, cant wait to read up on your crazy trip. but nevermind if you didnt, it must have been sooo busy for you. Anyhoo, im off to be sick on a baby now.. lol. Ta Ta x x
OMG that trip sounded fantastic. You had a great time and got all cosy with The Scissor Sister, how freakin cool is that. I would love something like that to happen to me. Lucky bitch! Im happy you had a superb time, wow check all these super preppy style words. Yea anyway jealous now *mwah*
OMG! You're one of the band now, honey! And thank you for posting the band's reactions to the wine bottle labels: quite a thrill for me since I designed them for Rach! xoxo, hope you recover from this fantastic journey soon. You and Jake need to be neighbors ... or did Brangelina decide to move next door to you? ugh. Jake so much more fun.
well lori you did a fabulous job on the bottles! they were fucking gorgeous!! WOOTS!
i hope to do it again next time they tour the states. :)
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