Saturday, September 8, 2007


Updates on Uree's Life
  • Yes I'm alive. Ive just been so busy with work related issues that I am a walking zombie who is apparently brain dead by the time I get home. Its not a fun place to be in my early 30s ill tell you that right now!
  • I interviewed for that new job. And although I really have the NEED to leave the classroom for my own sanity I do have feelings of guilt for leaving my students. I know my kids. I can handle them. Yes I'm stressed beyond belief but they are MY kids. I don't want to leave them to someone else. I don't trust anyone else to sit on my class bully so he doesn't terrorize my special needs students. I don't trust anyone else to document every detail of my schizo's day. I don't trust anyone else to be compassionate to the fact that my largest student is the biggest baby in the class...and his speech is so horrible he sounds like he has created a new language that only HE understands. I don't trust anyone else to tend to my soft hearted little ones that need a hug to get thru the day. I don't trust anyone else to educate my blank slates that are human sponges and begging to learn. Is it safe to say I have trust issues?

  • Last weekend was Southern Decadence! OMG we had so much fucking fun!! Here's the list of characters that drove or flew in for the madness: Guy, Crystal, Alexiss, Jonathan & Henry, Troy. I cant even begin to express my glee over that weekend. So hold on to your britches for Mardi Gras people...that was only a sip of whats coming next. The pics follow... And of course I have uploaded my personal pics to my private myspace for my friends. Oh and BTW...Dylan Vox was a no show.

thanks for pics alexiss


Anonymous said...

Aww well you can still decide whether or not you want to take the other job. Even if they offer you it you dont need to take it.

Decadence looked like so much fun, roll on February i say!

Anonymous said...

First off, it really touched me what you wrote about all your students. You are such a special person! Most people would not care that much. You inspire me honey. I seriously mean that. I know how stressful your job is for you. And yet you still care so much. I feel so blessed to have such a special person as my friend.

And, Decadence was so fun! Haha, I posted my pictures too. I could wait no longer!! Hahaha. Can't wait to get Crystals pics though. Oh man, I have to see the pics of me and Guy!!

I am already so exicted for Mardi Gras. I just can't even begin to express it! Now, my other cyber friend Annieka is coming too!! It is just almost too exciting to bear!

I am so gald you updated! Haha, I check your blog like 3 times a day, I swear!! HAhaha. Love you girly!

Anonymous said...

Fry that Tit?
I'm glad I didn't come down...
I would NEVER have gotten laid. But I sure would have tried!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a friggin blast, glad you had a good time, my favorite part would of been the train blow job...I would of been all in the middle of that with a roll of paper towels in hand of course, taking pics, asking them to pose with me with their cockers hanging out....I love that shit.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO @ Gypsy!! Girl, you are to much!!!!