Saturday, September 22, 2007


I have to get something off of my chest...and its not my tits so don't get excited!
I have just had the hardest week of my teaching career and I have HAD IT UP TO HERE!!

If you ever thought you wanted to be a teacher...YOU DON'T!
If you ever thought you would impact young lives...YOU WONT!

Teaching is a career that is on a sinking ship to NO WHERE!
Let me tell you why...

Long gone are the days of a classroom filled with kids who...
Long gone are the days of a classroom filled with kids who...
Long gone are the days of a classroom filled with kids who...
Long gone are the days of a classroom filled with kids who...
And long gone are the days when...
PARENTS respected the teacher!

Classrooms are filled with kids who are the product of parents who have replaced "common respect and decency training" with "defensive attitudes and excuses training."

I am FED UP with parents who make excuses for their kids because they don't want to accept the truth. I am FED UP with parents who cant seem to ever believe that their spawn of Satan is anything less than an angel. I am FED UP with parents who refuse to believe that their child is capable of lying!

I think parents should be required to substitute in their child's class for ONE DAY so they can see what really goes on...
I think parents should be FINED every time their child has to be suspended...
I think parents SHOULD PARENT instead of working to make their kids LIKE them...

Message to parents...

YOUR CHILD'S TEACHER IS NOT WORKING AGAINST YOU!!!!!! If he/she says your child is a dipshit then YOUR CHILD IS A DIPSHIT!!!!!! ACCEPT IT and try to fix the problem!!!!! Teachers have NO REASON, NOTHING TO GAIN by telling you this information. We don't get raises if we torment parents!!!! Do you think WE LIKE to have these conversations with you?? I assure WE LOATH THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! SO GET OFF YOUR ASS AND PARENT YOUR CHILD!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hun, I can sort of relate with you. And you know that I understand partially what you go through. With the parent aspect of working at a school. It seriously saddens me the way these parents are with their children. They just ship them off to school and expect the teachers to do all the work. It has to start at home!

Girl, I wish that you knew sign language. Our elem teachers here have about 8 in their class, AND they have an assistant!! And, I also just found out that they are paid 10% more here because it is a special school! But, the problems with the parents is the same here. Sometimes worse, because many of these kids live here 5 days out of the week.

I wish I could say something positive and profound... but I really don't have anything to say except that I understand your frustration. You always tell me what a special person I am for doing what I do. But I honestly think that your job is harder. And though you are way beyond burnt out, there is a part of you that still cares for those children. You can see it in the other post you posted about your job and the children there.

I <3 you!

Uree said...

i know...and i felt a pinge of guilt over typing it out but its how i felt/feel...i do love my kids...i just dont love their parents. everytime i have almost walked out the door its been because of a parent not a kid. and trust me ive seen my kids do some completely insane things...but its the parents who take the cake every time! and let me clarify, its not all parents. i have a couple of good ones. but these days they are the exception, not the norm.
i <3 u 2.

Shelly said...

Look at the fucking world we live in!!! Breeders breeding for all the wrong reasons. At best only half will end up in jail. You can't take it personal. You have a job to do, the parents can't blame you for their fuck ups...
Know that... Deep down inside, these fucking breeders know it.

Uree said...

I think youre on to something. only the gays should be allowed to raise children! LOL


Anonymous said...

gurl, i am sorry to hear about your year so mom used to talk about the EXACT same stuff when she was a Principal...

watch the movie Idiocracy, it' touches on what Shelley wrote...i think our society is going to hell in a handbasket...

Anonymous said...

I am still keeping my fingers crossed that they will find your replacement soon!!! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I guess its a good thing your not working with the gobby teenage shits. Kids in upper school are so much worse, but at least parents seem to listen to the teachers more there. If only you could still use the cane on them. Starve them. Make them cry. Anything to put a smile on your face!

Anonymous said...

I love kids.......deep fried