Its Simon aka Mommy's Love.
Notice how she POSES!!!
Self professed Moron...I hope to be contradictory.
Because I love how naive I was in this moment...or stupid, I don't know which. And I'm choosing to remember the good times with the ASSHOLE!
I have some rather interesting news. I don't HATE Christmas anymore. I mean I don't LOVE it either but I'm not walking around like I just fucked the Grinch. Its an interesting feeling. I'm usually the Scroogy bitch all thru the holidays. But something is different this year. I'm not stressed out!! Alla-freaking-luiah. So anyway I EVEN BOUGHT AN X-MAS TREE!! Can you believe it? I havent put a tree up in probably 10 years. BUT, I couldn't resist. I saw this pink feather Christmas tree in the store the other day and it so reminded me of DRAG QUEEN VOMIT. You know what I mean...if a drag queen would vomit a Christmas tree THIS would be THE TREE! lol SO I was inspired and I decorated a FREAK SHOW tree.
I think everyone knows I have this INSANE collection of teeny bopper magazines from the late 80's. Its quite a collection, Ill tell you that right now. I was on the hunt for THE CROTCH SHOT to end all crotch shots. I feel all dirrty now like one of those weirdos on the SS message board that literally talk about Jake Shear's crotch ALL DAY!! Anyhoo...Shelly does a phenomenal job of writing her Crotch Watch blog. SO on the search I went for that damn picture. Its a picture of Johnny Depp with his leg propped up on a motorcycle and his LENGTH is beyond massive. As a wee teeny bopper girl, I was down right mesmerized by the BULGE in his pants!!! OH-EM-GEE!!!
Well I couldn't find THE picture but I found this one which might be from the same photo shoot. The clothes look similar but he didn't have the head-band in the one I was looking for...
I laughed for hours as I turned the pages of these magazines. I felt compelled to package a few to send to James St. James. He will kackle like a school girl when he sees them!
What I found so interesting was the innocence of that time for those rising stars. Can you guess the celebs??It was PRE: boob jobs, boob reductions, anorexia, Parkinson's disease, convulsive deaths on the Viper Room floor, fame!! OH and it was all before the New Kids On The Block invasion. I still feel like THEY ruined teeny bopper magazines!
There' my hidden "secret in the closet."
One of the reasons that I had stopped going to movies is because films like THIS are rarely made anymore. This is one of the most ORIGINAL, most THRILLING, most EXCITING, most VISUALLY APPEALING films of our time. I was mesmerized by the amazing musical numbers which were BRILLIANTLY produced. AND there is a SEXY Brit in the movie!!!!!!!
The most shocking thing for me is that I LOVED the music. I was always an ELVIS girl before. I always said one could only love Elvis or The Beatles, but apparently there's enough love to go round for both. I have a new found respect for The Beatles...
Watch the trailer for Across The Universe here. Enjoy picking out some of your favorite stars *whispers* BONO!
Then as their stage was being torn down, Troy and I made our way to about 5th row. We waited anxiously for Ed Kowalczyk to come out!! Oh and the band too, of course! THEY WERE FUCKING AMAZING!! I knew they would be. They played everything I wanted to hear except Turn My Head. I just wanted to hear ED sing "drunk on your juices" in front of my very own eyes. My pictures are for crap so I snagged pics from a performance they did a few nights ago.
After the show I wanted to get a pic form a roadie. Just my luck someone threw a handful right over me. I hit the ground and pulled one from a HOOCH that thought she was gonna get laid by the drummer...WOOTS!! Then a really sweet kid shyly tapped me on the back and said, "There's a pic in your shirt." AWE!! I asked him to dig it out lol. I wanted to let him have it cause he was adorable but I needed to take care of my sweetie pie Troy. SO I thanked him as I took it from him. YAY!!
Big Thanks to the hardcore fans who posted pics that I stole! You are GREAT! WOOTS!!
And I have added a few songs in case you Brits have no idea what band Im talking about...Turn My head is up first. Scroll thru and listen.
Love you dear. <3
thanks for pics alexiss
FINALLY!! I am in the right frame of mind to express my GLEE over my weekend in Dallas with all of my friends and James St. James. Where to start?? It was a weekend that superseded my wildest expectations. I never thought in a million years this weekend would top my Scissor Sister journey...BUT IT DID!!
I think the thing that struck me the most was watching the JSJ ideology in action. You know what I'm talking about right? We've all heard the quotes a million and one times.If you can come DO SO!! If you cant, so sorry! :(
Biggest Goal for this trip: Get a picture with Sammy Jo's back!!!
Full report when I return home!!!!
So I'm sure most of you know that I'm co-promoting a book signing and party in honor of James St James on July 21st. The book signing is from 6:00-8:00pm at the Barnes & Noble in Arlington, TX. Then follow the caravan of FREAKS to the party at MINC in Dallas, TX...its just a hop skip and jump away so come on down!! Also appearing at MINC will be Richie Rich, Cazwell and possibly Amanda Lepore!!
*****SAMMY JO IS DJING!!!! OMG!!!!!!! *****
GABE, we can tug on Jame's coat sleeve together!!! CAN YOU? CAN YOU?
I admit it freely. I am totally and utterly, freakishly addicted to Big Brother. BB is the true reason that I get excited about July fourth weekend [BB always starts near that time.] SO its back and I have the feeds up and I'm sitting here like the lifeless troll that I secretly am I guess. But so far here's the scoop on some of the house guests.
DUSTIN is my favorite!! I LOVE HIM!! You guys know me and my gays...well hes the hott one that isn't annoying. Hes so sweet, thoughtful, seemingly intelligent, and soooo HOTTT!! All I can say for him is that I question his taste in men because his ex-boyfriend is also in the house.
JOE is Dustin's ex and Joe is the complete opposite of Dustin. Hes annoying, pretentious, slightly funny [at times]. But the biggest reason I have him on my Yuck List is because when he realized that Dustin would be in the house, he immediately, rudely announced to all the other house guests, OMG, MY EX-DUSTIN IS HERE! HE GAVE ME GONORRHEA!! Although I admit it was funny and created gay-drama early on, it shows me his true character.
Watch it here...
But they may be playing things smart. Watch the ex lovers do a BB dance to establish how to navigate their way thru the game. Will they flirt heavily all summer? Or will they continue to completely hate each other? Time will tell...
NICK is the hotttt closet case. I am convinced without a doubt that he too is gay. He listed Legends of the Fall as one of his favorite movies for Christ sake! I'm willing to bet he has Hedwig in his collection as well. I will really enjoy watching things unfold for him in this house. You be the judge...Watch Hottie Gay Dustin rubbing Hottie "Straight" Nick's back in the sun. YUMMY!!!
So do the math! That makes 3....count em 3 gay boys for me to watch all season long on BB8.
More to come...
Ive also added BB links to the side bar if you're interested.
OH wow no Scissor Sisters popped up LOL. OK So here's the song that keeps playing over and over again in my brain right now for some reason. So Cruel--U2