I admit it freely. I am totally and utterly, freakishly addicted to Big Brother. BB is the true reason that I get excited about July fourth weekend [BB always starts near that time.] SO its back and I have the feeds up and I'm sitting here like the lifeless troll that I secretly am I guess. But so far here's the scoop on some of the house guests.
DUSTIN is my favorite!! I LOVE HIM!! You guys know me and my gays...well hes the hott one that isn't annoying. Hes so sweet, thoughtful, seemingly intelligent, and soooo HOTTT!! All I can say for him is that I question his taste in men because his ex-boyfriend is also in the house.

JOE is Dustin's ex and Joe is the complete opposite of Dustin. Hes annoying, pretentious, slightly funny [at times]. But the biggest reason I have him on my Yuck List is because when he realized that Dustin would be in the house, he immediately, rudely announced to all the other house guests, OMG, MY EX-DUSTIN IS HERE! HE GAVE ME GONORRHEA!! Although I admit it was funny and created gay-drama early on, it shows me his true character.
Watch it here...
But they may be playing things smart. Watch the ex lovers do a BB dance to establish how to navigate their way thru the game. Will they flirt heavily all summer? Or will they continue to completely hate each other? Time will tell...
NICK is the hotttt closet case. I am convinced without a doubt that he too is gay. He listed Legends of the Fall as one of his favorite movies for Christ sake! I'm willing to bet he has Hedwig in his collection as well. I will really enjoy watching things unfold for him in this house. You be the judge...Watch Hottie Gay Dustin rubbing Hottie "Straight" Nick's back in the sun. YUMMY!!!
So do the math! That makes 3....count em 3 gay boys for me to watch all season long on BB8.
More to come...
Ive also added BB links to the side bar if you're interested.
Wow theres hotties on yours, the english one doesnt have any. Im gonna start watching this on the net if it allows me.
I read somewhere that Nick confessed to giving a man oral sex. He happen to mention this while in the hot-tub! Also I posted a pic on JSJ with Nick spooning with Joe I beleieve.
I like the girl with the long hair, I forget her name she seems ok. Other than that I dont know who I like and dislike that much.
After watching last night I realized that Amber is the one that I like and shes on the block!
Jen is such a freaking liar!! She got caught in a outright lie! I dont liek her at all!
YES YES YES!!! I am loving these guys...If Nick comes out, I want it to be with Dustin.
I cant watch it its so not fair. Coz im outside of the states it wont work for me.
DRAMA watches it. :)
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