But I am a big believer in signs and on my way home today, amidst the tears and rain, I spotted 2 rainbows across the river. So something tells me everything will be OK.
I start my new job on Monday. Hopefully I'll have a smile to share by then.

Self professed Moron...I hope to be contradictory.
Aww bless ya sweeetie. Will you still get to visit them or are you not working at the school at all anymore?
On the plus side you dont need to deal with the god awful parents anymore so thats two thumbs up right there!
I can only imagine how hard this is for you. I love you lots and lots! You are such an amazing person! Not everyone would feel the way you did at that moment. It is beautiful to me that you have so mch compassion. But I am also with Dirrty. You were so stressed out at that job for several different reasons. And although you loved your kids, you knew in your heart that it wasn't the best place for you. I can't wait to hear all about your day Monday at your new job. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that the people you are working with will be nice and friendly!
Dearest Uree,
Knock it off, you blanket hugging, bottle sucking baby!!!
No more head lice, pink eye, chair throwing, scab picking bullshit breeder fights! A real lunch hour, less drive time, prolly more money too! Thank god you have a weekend diversion, or you'd be crying all fucking weekend.....
Oh and one more think....
Lex & Liam:
You guys are turning into Precious Moment figurines!
Jesuz Fuck, Big fuckin babies!!
well...haha...I am trying to picture Alexiss and Liam as precious moment dolls...that is something that I would love to have on my mantel!!
love you!!!
If I looks at one of our blogs again and see "HUGS" I'm gonna fucking scream!!
A bunch of hugging weinies!!
Grow some ball you girly girls!!
*kidding, I love the love*
sorry you're so sad uree but like shelly said just think of all the junk you won't have to deal with anymore. the little rugrats will be fine and i'm sure you will do awesome at your new job! :-)
I really wanna be a precious moments figurine with Liam!! Make it happen Shelly!!! Make it happen!!!!!
And this is just for you Shelly..... HUGS!!!! HUGS!!!! HUGS!!!!
And one more....
i wont be at that school but i will make special visits to go see them.
thanks for all the love guys. ill let yall know how my first day goes.
im curious to know what the hell im gonna do for a WHOLE HOUR for my lunch?? WOWZERS!
well if you go to lunch at 12...you can call me :)
Are you kidding you have an extra hour a day to watch the SS or Hot gay guys getting it on, I mean dam Uree Im SURE you can think of something to do with your extra time huh?
Read lots of books, thats how i pass an hour everyday
well my first day went well. i think im going to enjoy this job. im really excited about traveling to all the schools in the parish. that will be an eye opener for sure! thanks guys. I love you to pieces!
Love us to pieces? Like cut up peices floating aimlessly down a river? Well listen here miss big foot, the one of us who's shoes will fit you are Dirty's....
Man I have been so out of touch lately...I am sorry..I am such a bad friend. So here it goes
YOU GOT A NEW JOB??? Congrats and dish it all to me sometime in an email or phone call. Miss ya girl. Miss ya tons.
Hi Doll!
Oh, you've missed so much...
You must call Uree.
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