I have some rather interesting news. I don't HATE Christmas anymore. I mean I don't LOVE it either but I'm not walking around like I just fucked the Grinch. Its an interesting feeling. I'm usually the Scroogy bitch all thru the holidays. But something is different this year. I'm not stressed out!! Alla-freaking-luiah. So anyway I EVEN BOUGHT AN X-MAS TREE!! Can you believe it? I havent put a tree up in probably 10 years. BUT, I couldn't resist. I saw this pink feather Christmas tree in the store the other day and it so reminded me of DRAG QUEEN VOMIT. You know what I mean...if a drag queen would vomit a Christmas tree THIS would be THE TREE! lol SO I was inspired and I decorated a FREAK SHOW tree.

I adore it and you!! You freak!!!
OMG i love it. I want a tree like that in my house. Good thing is once xmas is over just take the lights and a few decorations off and leave it as your gay piece of furniture.
*sniff sniff* it's just...so...damn....beautiful!!!
OMG I am so proud of you and jealous at the same time!!!
James is "lactating" over it. LOL
tell him their are patches made for that...hahaha
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