I got ANOTHER fucking ticket yesterday!! GRRRRR! They all piss me off...even tho I sorta deserve them all. But this one REALLY PISSED me off!! He didn't have to pull me over!!! He could have kept minding his own damn business!! I wasn't bothering anyone...no one was near me!! SO WHAT!! I was doing 80 in a 65!! WHO CARES!!! I wasn't pushing 120. I wasn't tailgating a cop! I wasn't tailgating ANYONE for that matter. I wasn't weaving in and out of traffic. I wasn't being reckless. I was simply on an OPEN fucking HIGHWAY!! Did I mention I was by myself...not a car near me! AND he was on the other side of the highway so he had to cut across the neutral ground and catch me before he could pull me over. THE CUNT!
THEN, the bastard has the NERVE to get on his intercom and ask me to exit my vehicle!! WHAT THE FUCK?? I have never been asked to exit my vehicle before...this concerned me cause my poor dog was in the car. She was already shaking like a leaf cause she knew that stopping on the highway is never normal. So he asked me for my license, registration, and proof of insurance...the normal routine. Then asks me to wait in my car. He proceeds to take his SWEET OLE TIME writing this ticket. The whole time my poor dog is pacing and shaking. And I'm hoping and praying that when he comes to my car, she wont get nuts on his ass. She didn't. She was too afraid to do anything. So anyway I signed it...I have to call the number to find out how much money I'm gonna lose this time.
Maybe this is a sign to stop driving like a moron? hmmmm...
THEN, the bastard has the NERVE to get on his intercom and ask me to exit my vehicle!! WHAT THE FUCK?? I have never been asked to exit my vehicle before...this concerned me cause my poor dog was in the car. She was already shaking like a leaf cause she knew that stopping on the highway is never normal. So he asked me for my license, registration, and proof of insurance...the normal routine. Then asks me to wait in my car. He proceeds to take his SWEET OLE TIME writing this ticket. The whole time my poor dog is pacing and shaking. And I'm hoping and praying that when he comes to my car, she wont get nuts on his ass. She didn't. She was too afraid to do anything. So anyway I signed it...I have to call the number to find out how much money I'm gonna lose this time.
Maybe this is a sign to stop driving like a moron? hmmmm...
Dam Pigs. But thats what you get for being on the wrong side of the law. You should of just driven off and flipped him the finger!!!
LOL THAT would have gotten me arrested dear...then my poor baby would have been in the pen too :(
Not if you were smart enough to break out :P
Okay now your dragging Simon into your life of crime? I cant believe you got another fucking ticket!!
Oh by the way... I just got another discount on my car insurance its now about $780.00 a year.
LOL jesus christ woman!!! I pay $115 a MONTH!!! FUCK!! But thats cause we COON-ASSES dont know how to drive AND alot of "us" (myself excluded) sue happy ;)
Man Uree thats some fucked up shit!
Im glad your dog didnt bugg out on the cop.
Shit Gypsy almost got a ticket this morning.
She was taking the dogs out for there morning walk. Bandit went and shit in the street, and the cop watched her. Called Gypsy over and told her either pick it up or get a ticket. Gypsy explained that she was going to pick it up on the way back only because there are no pails to dump it so she didnt want to be holding it the whole walk.
She didnt care, she made her do it right then and there. Gypsy handled it MUCH better than I would have. ONE of my responses would have been "dont you have anything better to do"?
Which is my point really dont they have anything better to do? I mean come on, going 15 over the limit?! Big deal!!
I hate fucking cops most of the time I swear!!
I think they should at least spot us 20!!
Oh at least 20.
It ok Uree just make sure you look at the ticket really good. If the cop made any kind of mistake you dont have to pay it.
Ill defend you in traffic court
Haha. Yeah, I should probably have been pulled over fifteen million times. It has yet to happen. I speed, I am very bad about it. The funny thing is, I have passed cops speeding and none of them seem to care enough to waste the time pulling me over. I guess I'm lucky like that. I wonder how long that will last....
I always think it's funny that cops do that. When they see someone speeding and slam on their breaks to hop the median and pull them over. I wouldn't care all that much, quite frankly. And, how dangerous?! I have been behind a cop that did that, I had to slam on my breaks too. Asshole.
girl i have done that too...i have sped past cops before and I always had luck on my side until recently...i dont know maybe my karma has changed, but I didnt hit-and-run anyone hmmm...as a matter of fact my karma should be GOOD because about 10 minutes before i was pulled over I could have run a red light which would have put me in a pack of cars...then he wouldnt have clocked me...but for once I chose to be law abiding so I stopped!!! I STOPPED!! DID YOU HERE THAT JESUS!!! I STOPPED!! So what happens...i get a fucking ticket...next time Im running the red light!!!
I think you have a secret fetish with this Cop and Ticket thing, you seem to be doing it more and more lately.
Yeah, maybe Gypsy has a point. Did you get aroused while you and Simon were "spread eagle" on the hood of your car? Whats really behind this? I think this goes deep into your past. Who are you, and what have you done with my mild mannered friend?
LOL I have ALWAYS drived like this. I SWEAR! Im just getting caught more often now for some reason. Maybe im too old to drive like that now YIKES!
I think i have officially decided to slow down...for now!
at least you were not arrested, and when you leave the jail there is someone there waiting with a camera to take a picture of you...hmmm..sounds familiar??
HAHAHAHAHA That happens to be one of my all time fave pics of you dear LOL
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