So anyway, I was kinda surprised that Brit Brit and Paris were actually hanging out. DO they have anything in common other than the fact that they both top my list of most annoying, undeserving, over-paid, talentless, blond bimbos in the world? Nope. Cant think of one thing, y'all. I give this friend-hook-up about 2 weeks.
On to other news: Brangelina has taken up a make shift home in New Orleans. Apparently Brad is filming a movie here. Don't ask! I will NOT be stalking these 2. Ten years ago YES! I would have calculated every move and found Brad OR Angie at any and all costs. I would have had bail money set aside in my quest. But you see times have changed.
Once upon a time. there was a beautiful, charming, thoughtful, well-mannered, grounded, SEXY mo-fo known as Brad Pitt. I would have done 10-30 years in Angola for him. I actually did my best to find him when he was filming Interview With The Vampire. But he was less known then and blended into the stench of my decadent city too easily. As time went on, he grew more popular, landing leading roles, earning more money, growing further and further away from the natural beauty that he had once been.
Around the same time that his fame was growing, there was a beautiful woman, an up-and-comer by the name of Angelina Jolie. She was stunning, controversial, talented, literate, and liked to make-out with her brother (which is kinda cool...in a weird fearless kinda way). Then she grew INSIDE. Growing inside is wonderful, don't get me wrong. But there has to be a limit. When you grow so much that you get preachy I have a problem. *coughs* Stephen Baldwin *coughs*
Then these two souls collided and molded themselves into BRANGELINA. God help the world! *Rolls eyes* I guess they are gonna lead the world to safety or something. As a couple, I find them nauseating. I cant be the only one. Can I? I joked with a friend last night that they are probably living in a FEMA trailer just for the experience...so they can be DOWN with the people! *vomits*
Here's where I get contradictory. Honestly, I hate that I'm so cynical about people that try to do good in this capacity. They have the money, the clout, the media spotlight, so why not? Shouldn't they do it? I guess. But do they have to be sooooo fucking annoying about it?? JEEZ!
Am I a bad person that I really just don't care about celebrities?
I wonder what that says about my character.
Well am i a bad person that is one of those few who still lives Ms. Spears even if she flashes her cooch about and gets shit faced every night?!
OMG of course NOT!! dirrtyboy you know I love you dear, even if you have bad taste in pop-stars LOL MWAH
and rachel c---it says you have a life :)
Hahahaha...thank GOD. I was afraid I didn't. :D
Well, well I wonder who that "friend" you where chatting with last night was?? hmmmmmmm me maybe? LMAO I am still laughing thinking of them in a FEMA trailer.
I think The Spears is shooting herself in the foot. She's acting like a fool. Between her and Lohan, they are trashing up the culture with their bad behavior. So selfish. Now The Pitt did a stint in NOLA a few months ago, he was doing some house project thing.. Cant fault him for that. And Ange, she's a great person too. You wouldnt see her flashing her gina. We need to inject a little class back into the celebrity realm. The shit is out of control. It is however a nice diversion from a nutty President, and a drawn out war!!
I think I would rather see pictures of the war than Brittany Spears' bajingo. Seriously...icky.
Yep Yep...but im biased cause the ho comes from my neck of the woods :P
Paris is hanging out with Brit because Paris is a STALKER and OBSESSED with Stavros Niclos(sp???) and well Stavros want's to bang Brit...well Paris will now paint her in a light that Stavros will never want to "hit dat"...
i for one found all their cooter's to be quite scary and "infested"
You seem very cynical and bitter and your a school teacher huh? Do you grip this much in your classroom? I'm sorry for you that you feel your vagina is ugly, misshaped and soooo...unappealing. That explains a lot.
NO LIZ....now who's the pathetic loser that noticed my myspace was public in less than 24 hours? FUCK YOU!
and while im addressing your dumb ass...dont ever question my ability in the classroom!!!
dont you have a script to go write or something...
Dont even waste your time on that fucking ugly troll stalker!
I havent seen your Pud but I bet its SEXY just like the rest of you!!
thanks girl...dont worry Im not wasting sleep on this shit! I have too many other things to do with my time. :)
Miss spears, that rank disection of a woman! *spits*
And Dirrtyboy, see bad taste and all that... tut
your lucky u have me.
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