I admit it!! I LAUGHED!!! But I think I'm laughing at the absurdity of it all. So this Korean "girl-band" is performing on stage and one of them hits the floor with a seizure. What do her band mates, friends, confidants do?? They keep performing around her convulsing body. LOL And whats more disturbing is how their managers (?) ran across stage and carried her off like a sack of potatoes.
I think these girls deserve the moron of the day award because they chose fame over friends...thats wrong, no matter how funny it was :P

They are true artists, carrying on their performance even though one of them is on the floor. i think the girl who was convulsing was the outkast of the group thats why they didnt care and it took them soo long to take her off the stage.
HAHA Of course the outkast would be THE ONE that would comvulse on stage in front of hundreds of people...THE NERVE!!!
I know how dare she. Im sure she was kicked out, replaced or even taken care of (if you know what i mean) after that.
Im so glad you GET this...soits not jsut ME with a sick twisted sense of humor LOL
but I think you and I may be the only ones Liam LOL
Well if we are the only ones then we are part of a very special cult and should feel proud :P
Oh man thats some funny shit right there!
Uree I must admit your getting realy good at finding funny shit on the net!
WTF was wrong with those bitches? Did they not give a fuck that there co worker was maybe dying on the floor?
Fucking Moron is RIGHT!!!
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