----------Author Unknown
give me a king cake baby
give me a beignet kiss
give me a french quarter morning that looks like this
give me a king cake baby
give me a beignet kiss
give me a french quarter morning that looks like this
give me the endymion krewe
give me the times-picayune
give me a drunk and lazy crawfish boil in muggy sticky June
give me a six pack of dixie
give me some assorted abita beers
give me a city where it only snows once every 10 years
give me a green neutral ground
give me a mardi gras ball
give me a medium rare burger at my grand old Port of Call
give me a glittery drag show
give me the streetcar line
give me the House of the Rising Sun
give me a Tchoupitoulas sign
give me a shrimp and oyster poboy
give me lovebug season in May
give me my New Orleans-
I will definitely stay.
58 percent of Americans think New Orleans should not be rebuilt... These 58 percent of Americans can go FUCK themselves!!

Re-build it and show everyone else how good it is and that they are missing out on a great town. Just rub it in their noses.
YEAH!!! Dawlin! :)
Why they HELL do people think it shoudn't be rebuilt? What the fuck is wrong with 58% of Americans?! Fucktards....
Thats a good question Rachel...in a nutshell the idiots believe THIS
And the people with these opinions of course have probably never visited the area, have no ties to the city, and no real cultural understanding of our HOME! They piss me off.
What pisses me off is the money thats going to other countries. WE have cities like New Orleans that need to be rebuilt. WE have people living on the street. WE have children with no homes. I think its a shame that shit like this goes on here. When is the fucking war going to end? Why are we there, spending billions of dollars on a country who hates us? I forgot. I try not to voice my anti-war opinions because my family is Navy, but WTF?
My family is navy, air force AND army...i still dont get it!
shells remember there IS a difference between supporting the troops and supporting the war. :)
They should piss you off. However, they may give me the frist topic of commentary. Which is good for everyone.
Hi Uree first time poster. I love the poem I visited the Big Easy this past summer and fell in love. I still read the Times Picayune online and check the St Bernard Parish Website everyday. I spoke with someone recently from St Bernards and they told me they feel as if the media has moved on and people no longer see what is really happening down there.
As I said I love the area and plan to go back next summer and visit all the friends I made there and hope to make new ones.
thanks marcia :)
nice to meet you!
its a huge shame what is happening to some areas of the city...so many things are being pushed to the side...my school still hasnt had the repairs that it needs, and i hear we are last on the list because we "are making do." there is jsut so much politics and red tape involved in EVERYTHING that it gets to be a whirlwind of frustration for so many people.
I LOVE NE ORLEANS!!! ANd i will stay as long as I can financially afford to stay! :)
Like I posted somewhere else, those are the same people that got the current president (with a lower case p, I won't dignify him with an upper case) re-elected!
I can't even begin to tell ya how many times I've been to NOLA, It was always 5.5 hours away. Still is of course. It just sucks that so many places I used to go eat at and stay at are still shut down. Is Momma's (or Mama's) still open? We used to always eat there right after checking into the hotel, but last time we only had 10 minutes to make it to HOB! Oh well, next time.
Oh and New Orleans is the only place in America where I actually drink beer! Abita Turbo Dog! YUM!
Yo Mamas and Nacho Mamas are open but Mamas tasy foods wasnt open as of May...havent heard anything since then tho
Okay. I want the blog thats haunted by the dead. This is bullshit!
Shells this is Manny that Imet at the Scissor Sisters concert! LOL
Hes a sweetheart!!
Oh I thought it was Manny, the slain cyber-superstar playboy!!
Hey, I just found out that cutie Shears is gay. Why dont you tell me these things?
HONEY!! How could you NOT know...hes a loud and proud flamer!!! lol
use to be a Go-Go Boy and everything...you kill me :)
Girl we iz going to Mamas next time I'm there! After the SS tour that is, maybe for Southern Decadence? But I heard it's toned down a lot, more like Gay End of Spring Break now, is that true?
Love ya!
Hi Shells!
Thanks for the compliment, but I'm still alive!
I havent been to Decadence since the storm so I dont know if its true or not.
Oh, how I miss old New Orleans...where on every corner there is either a bar or a cemetery....or both.
I just miss having YOU here :(
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