Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I cannot seem to stop watching this show. Am I the only one? I cant be! I am mesmerized by these girls that live with THE HEF! First of all let me say this. I have never been a fan of the stripper-model look. Although the appearance is "perfection," I find it quite fake. BUT, these girls, as fake as they may appear, truly are kinda REAL, in their own fake-reality kin


Thursday, January 25, 2007

And here's a clip of Simon searching for meaning to his life.

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Here's a tribute video to their season so far...and hopefully, after today, we can add to it!
Saturday, January 20, 2007

First up was Liam, aka Dirrtyboy. I cannot convey to anyone how much I ADORE this sweetheart! He is truly delightful in every way. He always knows how to make me laugh either with his wit or his own clumsiness. I thought I was the laziest person ever until I met him. LOL But don't hate me for saying that dear...just means we could laze together on a rainy Sunday afternoon. He has worked very hard to teach me British slang, by
which I am completely intrigued. Love you dear...BIGG HUGGZ!
He is a gorgeous specimen of the human race...a body to die for!

girlfriend. She and I share a similar mentality because we have both chosen a career in education. I wish you the best girl...as I choose to depart the classroom. You guys are just so cute together too...loverly people and a special couple. Huggz to both of you! :)
And although they I didn't get to speak to these 2 tonight, I cannot mention my dear friends across the pond without giving a shout-out to 2 more very important British creations.

Hey guys! Jeez you all make me feel so loved!! :)
Sorry I haven't blogged in 4 whole days...SUE ME!!! :P
Ive been very busy with work and feeling emotionally void. So I haven't really been motivated to create posts for this blog.BUT, I have a couple ideas in mind and I shall get to work soon. BUT, unfortunately, I have to go to work all day on Saturday for fucking staff development. SO, hopefully you will all be able to wait a wee bit more.
Keep checking in and don't abandon the MORON! Shes still here just being a bit lazy.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
The Saints played the Eagles tonight in their first ever Playoff game inside the Superdome. And they WON 27-24. It has truly been a Cinderella season thus far. As the season began, I commented on the emotional impact the team's return to our city has had on so many tired and frustrated (yet dedicated) citizens. The progression of their season has offered inspiration and hope to countless people. But more importantly, it has offered a reason to PLAY!
And to the rather PISS-POOR attempt of the LIZARD to rain on my blog and our parade...Im pretty sure I can read this Saint's lips. Yep, Yep. Its clear as day.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Its been a rollercoaster ride of a day!
It all began when I approached my car to go to work this morning...MY DOOR WAS AJAR!! I didnt quite understand but my initial thought was "did I forget to close my door last night?" But in reality I knew better...I would NEVER leave my door open...the schema is permanently burned into my brain that when you exit a vehicle you lock then shut the door. So, next, I opened my door and immediately noticed that the emergency brake was pulled up...something I have NEVER done to this car in 4 years. So, then I'm thinking "WTF?" I get in to look around and I notice that my sunglasses are gone, there is a strange dirt (not my regular dirt...I KNOW what the dirt in my car looks like, OK!) on the seats and in the backseat. Then I notice that one of the back windows is smudged. Then, I have the complete realization that someone had broken into my car.
After my initial scan, it didn't appear to have anything missing except for the sunglasses. Even my cd collection (probably $1000 worth of cds) was still sitting there on the passenger seat. Was this guy blind? Dumb? Or maybe he just didn't like my taste in music? There was no damage to my car. I was already running late for work, so, I opted to not call the police and just leave...go about my day. I didn't even make it out of the parking lot when a wave of disgust (which I can only think to describe as "the creepies") came upon me. So, I parked my car and jumped out...somewhat afraid to even be in my car. Its amazing how fast one's brain works in such a situation. I immediately started thinking of what this person did in my car. I thought: *did he drop any drugs in here? *did he take it for a joy ride and bring it back? *did he kill someone and put them in the trunk? *did he sleep in the backseat? *did he find anything that I am not aware of?
The next step was obvious! Check the trunk! I was afraid to open it but I was prepared to scream in the event that I saw a body. I opened it...just my crap. PHEW! Then I walk around the whole car to check for anything "funny"...just MY dirt. PHEW! Then I went back into my car and opened my glove box...which i s when I relaized I had a few things missing. Important stuff! My registration and proof of insurance! But I immediately realized it was in the passenger side door. PHEW! So what the fuck then did this bastard want?? I have no idea and I'll never know. I'm just glad I cleaned out my "gypsy wagon" last week. Otherwise, he would have had a party going thru all my shit.
So that's how my day started.
Here's how it ended...I was approached by a "big-wig" in the school board about a position that will be coming available soon. Sounds like a great opportunity and might be exactly what I've been hoping for the past few months. This position has been described as "the best of both worlds." Thats because its a position outside of the classroom but it works on the school calendar. That means I won't lose any of my off time during the holidays and summers...and I'm not confined to the rigorous classroom. That makes Uree VERY HAPPY!!! So hopefully this will all work out and Ill be a bit happier in life in the coming months.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
As a hospital worker reports: "This woman called in very upset because she caught her little daughter eating ants. I quickly reassured her that the ants are not harmful and there would be no need to bring her daughter into the hospital. She calmed down and at the end of the conversation happened to mention that she gave her daughter some ant poison to eat in order to kill the ants. I told her that she better bring her daughter into the emergency room right away."
No further commentary needed on my part...

I am DEVASTATED about the first major break-up of 2007. Marilyn Manson and Dita Von Teese have called it quits...or at least Dita is aware of the split; the jury is still out on whether or not Manson is aware. Its a few days old but I cant stop thinking about it. I mean if Satan and an Angel cant make it work...who the fuck can?? They were the BEST couple EVER! They were so complimentary of each other...the pale skin, the perfect make-up, the STYLE! THEY were NOT suppose to be a cliche! And correct me if I'm wrong but they were the most perfect oxi-moronic couple of all time!!
*wipes tear from eye*2007 is off to a grand start...BATTER UP!
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Monday, January 1, 2007
Its always been a fun day for me to pick out the calendar that will adorn my wall for a full 365 days, 366 on a leap year. Its sort of ceremonious for me. I never go into the search with an idea of what I want. Instead, I want to be surprised by what I find. So without further adieu...
My calendar for 2007...
ELVIS--The Wertheimer Collection