First up was Liam, aka Dirrtyboy. I cannot convey to anyone how much I ADORE this sweetheart! He is truly delightful in every way. He always knows how to make me laugh either with his wit or his own clumsiness. I thought I was the laziest person ever until I met him. LOL But don't hate me for saying that dear...just means we could laze together on a rainy Sunday afternoon. He has worked very hard to teach me British slang, by
which I am completely intrigued. Love you dear...BIGG HUGGZ!
Next was Matthew, aka Pilgrim. Pilgrim is such a DOLL!!
He is a gorgeous specimen of the human race...a body to die for!
He is a gorgeous specimen of the human race...a body to die for!
He has a heart of gold...and he knows how to treat his lady...which is SOOO SEXY!!! And he produces beautiful babies!! What more could a girl ask for in a guy?? OO a killer sense of humor and he loves the way I say "OH MY GAWD!" lol

girlfriend. She and I share a similar mentality because we have both chosen a career in education. I wish you the best girl...as I choose to depart the classroom. You guys are just so cute together too...loverly people and a special couple. Huggz to both of you! :)
And although they I didn't get to speak to these 2 tonight, I cannot mention my dear friends across the pond without giving a shout-out to 2 more very important British creations.

Jay, the passionate thinker, is Liam's boyfriend and my oober friend. :) He is insightful, and somehow deeply connected to the hidden aspects of human relations. AND, he knows how to work a camera!!! WOOTS!! Just call him Brian Kinney...but not to his face! LOL I adore him!!

He's wearing the Mardi Gras beads I sent to him last year. :) I love you sweetie...BIGG TIGHT HUGGZ!!
Oh, I'm GREEN with envy!!!
Dirty And PILGRAM!!!
God, dirty is the brittish Barry White!! I bet you had moist dreams last night!!!
I have one word for you miss Uree,
UMMM, no. I'll go LIST here, cause I love me some LIST!
* when I list, I say it out loud, like I'm teaching an auditorium of eagar students*
1. What was pilgram weaing whilst speaking to you?
2. Your hoarding the Fags again!
3. We should learn hypnosis, so we can turn them staight, and have sex with them.
4. I'm in a jealous rage.. I think I'll go post something offensive on WOW to calm my nerves...
5. Is Dirrty's Dad still with Whatshername, Cause I'd enjoy a nibble off that crumpet as well!
LOL Honey you do know that Pil is straight...now that is. He and Sara are such a lovely couple. And I'sharing with you...thats why I blogged. That and Dirrty drunkenly BEGGED me to. LOL
Cant wait to read WOW! WOOTS!
Pil switched to our Team?
He always was a teeter-totter!!
And is that his Sara in the photo?
Sara has a very powerful Vagina!!!
Shout out to Sara, You got it, you know how to use it!!! Nice work dear!
Yep thats Sara...and she has conquered Pils heart. AWE!! So loverly!
Dirty is so HAWT! I'm way jealous! However, I appreciate you sharing with us!
oh, and I think Drama looks like Gavin Rossdale, but with better eyebrows!
Drama has the best eyebrows ANYWHERE!!
Im anxiously awaiting dirrtys arrival...hes gonna jizz when he sees this post :)
I've got loads of friends for life that I've made on my trips to the UK. Lovely peeps they are. I actually got 60% of my cards from my lovely mates in the UK. And even though my bday is not until this coming Sunday, I've already gotten gifts and cards from the UK!
OMG Yay im now famous on both your blog and Shellys blog. I feel so special. This is now my one step closer to becoming a multi-time oscar winner. So film director will now see my pic and know i have a barry white british accent and fly me over to star with the likes of Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron and plenty others. But back to reality aww Ure your sooo sweet. I always seem to call you when ive had a drink or 10! And Shelly Pilgrim was topless when he was on the phone to mel lazing on sarahs brothers bed with her whilest i was crossed legged on the floor. Such a good night :-)
Mwah Love you both lots and lots
YOU DIDNT TELL ME HE WAS ALL COZY IN THE BED WITH NO SHIRT ON!!!!!!!!!!! OMG the visual is making me all HAPPY inside!! LOL
and yes...im beginning to think that you only call me when you DRUNK DIAL :P
No ive called before i just get in a really chatty mood when drunk and its the best time to call coz its late here and im very talkative :P
Im fucking pissed! I beleive that both of them have our numbers and we have not gotten a phone call yet! Yo whats up with that guys?
I know you must have been soo dam happy right Uree? Shit I know I would have been. I just thinks its really cool when you get to bond more with the people you meet and connect with over the net!
Brits are so loyal. Everytime I go I meet new people. And I have made long lasting friendships with the people I've met. I just love how over there (for the most part), people actually want to get to know you, not what you can provide for them, but you. And that is very endearing and the reason I have to go to the UK twice (not this year though) a year.
Love ya!
And meanwhile, I don't have your number! And I live 6 hours away!
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