Cause you make me SICK!! The tone of your voice grates on my nerves...OOOO here comes Mary Poppins..."Good morning Ms. Franklin! How you doing this morning?" *with the SMIIIIIIIIIIIILE out to ------------------------------------------------HERE!*
You annoy me!!! Stay away from me!!! Its not possible to ALWAYS be in a good fucking mood!!!
And make note of this...DO NOT PRESUME THAT I DON'T MIND doing you those favors!! BECAUSE I DO!! I really wanna wipe that smile clear off of your face...smudge your make-up, and muss your hair!! GRRRR....
OK I am guessing you have nicknamed a fellow co-worker Mary Poppins....and she is um, perky!!! I hate morning people!!!
Now, now. Remember, "A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down..."
Of course, once you're done you can take the spoon and shove it down Mary's throat.
That's my little ray of sunshine for the day.
Woah easy now Tigeress! I love people like that whenever im in a bad mood and they are all happy cheery it perks me up big time. Ill take her off your hands and be her friend and me and Mary can skip through the fields singing supercalafraglisticexpealadocious!
I may have spelt that completely wrong!
Yup, yup. When I was amongst the mouthbreathers at the factory, there were people who would always say "smile, it cant be that bad!"
I HATED THAT! Toward the end of my employment I just let loose a few times, and said, "Fuck off!"
I also broke every rule I could, I wore my non-saftey classes, I smoked in the warehouse, I walked through the Salary peoples cubical section. HA! Yeah, I was hell on wheels those last few months!
EXACTAMUNDO!! Mary fucking SUNSHINE Poppins is working right next door to me...and guess what lady?? When Im as sick as I am right now, YES I DO MIND taking your afternoon bus duty!!! GRRRRR..........
SHe has this way about her...its kinda like passive agressive control freak with a smile. Im done with it...shes gonna get it next time she pulls a stunt like that! :) See and Im gonna do it with a SMILE! :)
Shes on drugs!
I hope you feel better soon!!!
(read next sentence in a sing song kind of way)
I think some folks here need some ANGER MANAGEMENT training...
its kinda like passive agressive control freak with a smile
yeahhhhh, i can't stand those...
OH! It's a co-worker! Did you hear that sound? It was Julie Andrews breathing a sigh of relief that UREE wasn't coming to kick her ass!!!
I see you've been cheating on me.... And with the Anti-Poppins yet!
Yes, have been cheating! I secretly read "I Am An Oxi-Moron"... sometimes in a seedy hotel room, late at night. She also constantly sends me text msgs and pictures of nude animals frolicking in green fields. Love that girl!
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