The SAINTS play the Chicago Bears today in a game that will decide who goes to the Superbowl. WAIT...did I read that right? The Saints are one game away from the Superbowl? Hmmmm...well I guess since HELL and HIGH WATER came...this is possible too. AMEN!
This town has been crazee partying all week since they beat the Eagles last weekend. Everything, everywhere is adorned with black and gold and Fleur-de-Lis. This is not something that this town is use forgive our overkill on JOY! Our school district declared Friday to be BLACK-AND-GOLD day. Uniform requirements were suspended for the SAINTS spirit. And my school was fortunate enough to have a visit from oober fan "Holy Moses." Anyone from New Orleans KNOWS Holy Moses. Hes been dressing as the unofficial Saints mascot for 26 years. Hes NEVER given up FAITH in our boys. Its a good thing someone cared thru the "AINTS" days.
ALL WEEK, no matter where you go...what corner you turn...who you're will hear "WHO DAT? WHO DAT? WHO DAT SAY THEY GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS?" Enter Holy Moses to our school which is adorned in Black and Gold. He enters the building proudly singing, "WHO DAT? WHO DAT? WHO DAT SAY THEY GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS?" And of course a second line ensues. WOOTS!! All I can say is that SAINTS fans are like NO OTHER in the NFL. We come from a town that knows how to party, knows how to eat, and for the first time knows how to win.
Here's a tribute video to their season so far...and hopefully, after today, we can add to it!
Oh Hell no!!!!
You're kidding me right?
Wholy Moses is Fucking beyond cool!!!
Yes! You should run for mayor of that crazy town, so you can be the Mayor of CrazyTown!!
Its not officially official...but im calling it NOW! They lost their nuts and blew it...much more typical of what this city is use to...
Sorry about the Saints, I was rooting for them, and I don't usually care who takes the NFC. You should still be proud of them for such a comeback season.
I am proud of them...just heartbroken for them.
Cant wait till next season.
I don't like pro football myself, but I thought it was so fantastic that the Bears, who haven't made it that far in millions of years, and the Saints, who lost their city, where fighting for the Super Bowl. Oh, karma. You are a silly bitch.
Football again, i dont like these posts coz i never have anything to say to them!
you could make something up... :)
So sorry about the Saints. I remember when I was in NOLA this past summer and saw sign reportng the beginning of the new season. It was the day before Ernesto was suppose to make his presence known. And all I could think of was "No, not again." Thankfully Ernie missed the City.
Even if they didn't win just think of all the wonderful memories they gave you. We have plenty of those here in MI what with the Tigers and Lions.
I know Dirrty, I hate it too.
Let her get it all out.
Hey did you check out that crazy old man in the picture.....
I could do a lot with that...
Damm Bears..I was sorry the Saints lost, I was looking forward to the Epic tale, not to mention the attention it would have brought to the city couldn't have hurt..
well I am cheering for the Colts now...damm Bears..
Okay, food's running low, and we're all huddled together trying to stay warm and alive!!
Miss Frankin, may we a little something?
Im sorry :( Ive been working late every night and too damn tired to compose anything...AND i have to watch American Idol.
Soon. I promise. :)
Dirty, Love, (Ok I promise I am NOT stalking you,) But, I have to agree dear.
I get three strikes just thinking about it.
It's PAR, for the track tho, by the 9th inning, and I've made it to 6th base, I've already thrown my puck, and scored a goal in the wrong teams basket.
I do love to watch, swimmers, tho. Whoopsie-
I mean swimING.
You know, and OMG, the high dive?! Those little white caps and fabulous speedo's! Wet glistening biceps. Reminds me of the time, I tried out for "Towel Boy?" (Ya, me too, I never understood why they made me TRY OUT either?, curiouser and curiouser.) But, anyway, they told me, "Hang it up, boi, you'll never make `Towel-Boy- we'll call you when we need a washcloth boi."
But Swimming, YES-Now THERE'S A SPORT!
I was rooting for the Saints. I thought it would be really dope if they had not only made it to the Bowl but WON it ALL!
Oh well theres always next year.
Now its been about 4days and no new blog whats the dm deal with that shit Uree? Come on you know we need our Moron fix!!!
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