Anyhoo, this morning I was looking at Postsecret, as I do every Sunday. And this one REALLY disturbed me

Now to update. I leave Friday morning to be a "groupie for a week." I cannot wait to get out of the DEN of HELL and feel the freedom of the open road and listen to the funk of the Scissor Sisters. It will be a trip of a lifetime!! Im sparing no expense. WOOTS!!
Have fun. I see Jake this Thursday and can't wait.
i totally agree with you about the internet, and well i guess we are just hearing about what has ALWAYS occured throughout history...what can we say, humans are naughty animals....
see you ten days..can't wait to hear the stories...
Wow. That is very disturbing.
I hope that you and Guy have a wonderful trip!
OMG I will see you and Mr. Guy in 10 DAYS!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!! I can't wait. OMG I need a baby sitter.
Just Kidding it's all taken care of. See ya girlfriend!!!! It's gonna be epic like always!
Ok thats just to wrong with the pic.
Woo not long to go, make sure you have a great time although you dont need to me tell you that :P
Soon...very soon!! This most certainly will be the trip of a lifetime, and who better to share such an experience with!
** The first blow job I ever gave was to my older brother**
Jeez, will Aaron EVER get over it??
3 days... OMG!!!
Jake will spot Mel in the audience.
He will announce, "Ladies & Gentlemen, the world famous hag, "UF," PEOPLE PLEASE- give her a round of applause!!"
He'll then yank you up onto the stage, and fall madly in love. (But- as per your fantasy, will still love Bois, too)
He will say, "UF? You're coming on the road with us, I am hiring YOU to be the ON-THE-ROAD-TUTOR, for all of our crew's children, YOU WILL ALSO BARE MY CHILDREN. (Via baster, of course) and at night you are required to Party foolishly, and judge all the "Boi on Boi make out contests" for the next 5 years.
Then- we will retire you with a handsome severance, and IRA. (Medical too)
We will adorn you in pink feathers and sequins, and we will make, the rest of your life- everyday, Mardi Gras."
Stranger things have happened.
FORGET the "3 Days" thing.
Better? 72 hours!
I was looking at postsecret on Sunday too and that one freaked me out! Did you read the email that someone sent in where they said, "When I saw this card my first thought was "ew, that's sad" then I realized the same was true for me. It's amazing what we forgive and block out. "? I just dont understand how someone could forget blowing their brother.... ew!!!
SOOOO FUNNY!! Brill you kill me!! And guess what?? I had a dream last night and the main character wasnt Drama...YIKES! It was JAKE SHEARS!!! We were prancing along arm in arm in some outdoor know a blissfull fag with his hag. Anyhoo there were alot of people and he was so excited cause his boyfriend was gonna be there and he wanted me to meet him. So all of a sudden we see this huge crowd like a celeb was coming thru and its his boyfriend (famous for being Mrs. Jake Shears.) He was french and his name was Pierre...and guess what? He was a FUCKING ASSHOLE!! His daughter was withhim...she was a stunner but a raving bitch! He barely said 2 words to me. Here I am standing like im "MARY" and this fucker blows me off!! I was soo upset. But then I woke up.
Well you know what you have to do, go back to sleep and dream that you kick his ass
1 more day!!! your gonna have an awesome time...!!
that picture you have posted... that really is disturbing
Ahhh, YES! I am home now. I am totally sending out vibes for you!!
Just remember to remember everything!! I expect a full report on your pro haggotry!!
I love, love, love you!!
ps. Post secret is starting to bum me out.
That Postsecret shit is CRAZY! Some of the things I read on there blow my mind! i have thought about sending in a few of my own.
Now its 11:52PM in 8 minutes will be Friday. You will soon be on the open road, make us proud UREE!!!!!
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