So poor ANNA NICOLE died this week. :( Such a sad and tragic life. I hope she finds peace with Daniel.
With that said, did anyone see Chyna Doll on Larry King?? Oh dear! What can I say? She is a fucking MESS!! What was she talking about? Did anyone understand anything she said? Did she answer any of Larry's questions? OK class, listen carefully...this is your star falling when you do live interviews ON CRACK!!
Was NO ONE there to STOP her from going on? Her manager? Her publicist? Her stylist? Larry's People?
Here's a clip. Its not the best cause you have to be patient and get thru a few things but there she is in all her FUCKED-UP GLORY!!
And the best part was not on the clip when she responded to that woman's allegations that ANNA was afraid of Chyna and called her a stalker. LOL OOOOO It got real good then!! When Chyna attempted to form a sentence to retaliate, she asked who that woman was and why was she there saying those things. Larry responded, "Shes someone with credentials!" LMAO!!!
I agree that Chyna was out of it on LKL. She hasn't been in a clear state of mind in the last year. I saw something on TV where she was denied entrance in a club, while Chris Daughtry (American Idol) and 7 of his friends walked right passed her into the club. Did Chyna give up? Hell NO. She just kept on telling (more like slurring) the bouncer who she was.
Now, I need to know how safe New Orleans is. I want to come over in the summer. Is the French Quarter fairly safe? If not, can I hire you and Guy to be my bodyguards?
The French Quarter is vary safe. Ive never had an issue down there. Keep in mind that's where the tourists are, so the city KEEPS it safe. Just dont wander down to side neighborhoods alone. Youll be fine. And unfortunatley Guy doesnt live here anymore. :( The winds of Katrina blew him to Indiana. :(
The whole Anna Nichole thing is sickening. That turd Stern has his dirty paws on that baby now. They found Methadone in her home. It's very easy to O.D. on that poison.
That Chyna was just milking 15 minutes like everyone else who ever knew Anna did. A fucked up ending to a sad story.
God Chyna will do anything to get on TV. Everytime i see her shes gettin worse and worse.
ALL of us wearing t-shirts that say "Im Dannielynns DAD!" ??
GRRR...Im at a loss and i need to order NOW! GUY ANSWER YOUR DAMN PHONE!!
Uree: Thanks for the info on The Quarters.
As for Guy in Indiana...please, tell me he is near the Chicago border because I can't see him being so busy not to return your phone calls otherwise.
Hes an hour away...he doesnt answer my calls cause he can be a DICK sometimes!! Like tonight...he promised wed talk to order costumes and hes ignoring my calls. TYPICAL!!
What the fuck was China on? She sickens me, she talks about people taking advantage of her meanwhile shes just there to get her "shine" in.
You know its sad really, these people who were soo close to her didnt even do anything to stop her. Did they try to send her to rehab? Did they try an intervention? They sat back and did nothing! Now shes dead and there crying over spilt milk! Fuck that shit! Now there fighting over whos the daddy? Why? Why didnt they do it when she alive, because that baby has all that money coming to her thats the ONLY reason! These people make me fucking SICK!!!
Is it bad that I am tired of this story, and that I honestly didn't have much concern for it in the first place? I think I am a bad person...a bad person who doesn't care a lot about celebrities....
Ouch on me.
Hey Uree 3 weeks and counting till Jake comes to town. For weeks and I'm off to the Big Easy. I have an appointment on Palmyra street the week I'm there how is the area - it's near Tulane Gravier.
Check out my blog
Im sick of hearing about this bitch as well. You know EVERYONE loved her but NO ONE did ANYTHING to help her. All they did was take take take!
Its just sad really!
Yo Uree whats the deal, when are we getting a new blog entry?
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